Wuppertal Westende
#Wuppertal #Westende #Geschichte http://www.cbgnetwork.org/6478.html #damages #calculation #kosten: 70.000.000 https://www.businessinsurance.com/article/19990627/ISSUE0101/1000238/bayer-explosion-damage-near-70m
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1999 Don Lewis Kirk June 27, 1999 BAYER EXPLOSION DAMAGE NEAR $70M
1991 West End Girls – American Psycho Music Video (18+) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dadxVz0KxSk
1999 announce https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/12._April_1999_-_Ganz_Wuppertal_steht_unter_Schock.jpg
somebody sad, American Psycho is the FBI Film about Enron Corporation
suspension railway https://www.nycsubway.org/wiki/Wuppertal,_Germany
Wuppertal Westende https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuppertal_Schwebebahn
2008 years later https://www.wz.de/nrw/wuppertal/27-verletzte-bei-ammoniakunfall-auf-bayer-gelaende_aid-31424799 Ammonia > Amine > Cancer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amine
Amine – Amen – Aman
West End station with the Radar plate look https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_End_station_(MARTA) – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_End_station_(DART) – Louis West End https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_End,_St._Louis – concrete – and so go on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_End – code [ Louis ] https://lovesunpeace.com/102/ping/louis
Pet Shop Boys https://lovesunpeace.com/102/skandinavskaya-kontrrazvedka
Don’t touch my East End Boi’s, du, Rott https://lovesunpeace.com/102/ping/rott MADels ever listen to music in the pool https://lovesunpeace.com/102/sabrina-salerno-boys
Wow! Fight! Desert Federals vs. patriotic Germans and back and back again. No chance against MAD.
wow, the real – Godzilla versus King Kong – Fight https://www.hdwallpapers.in/godzilla_vs_king_kong_fight_night_4k_hd-wallpapers.html
MAD Knut https://lovesunpeace.com/102/mad-knut works already as reborn russian Vladimir Lenin, who was a buddy of Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx, mad not allowed usage of foreign power… agent provocateurs