V-people of terrorism organization MAD

V-people of #terrorism_organization MAD are playing veterinarians in #India with the specific traditional names like Dr. Md.* #Saddam #Hossain and Mr. #Samad now: https://bdvets.com [Md – Mitglied des.. MdB – Mitglied des Bundestages / the member of ..] #MAD – German professional #terrorists online. They works illegally online and offline according the law, they can’t have at all. #danger for #business #danger for #animals

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-“V-people of terrorism organization MAD

  1. They shows the typical website quality of the MAD-websites. Terrorists chefs are placed in Germany in bunkers. Out of office the terrorists are running on the streets as gangs of 4 young – preliminary non Germans – people, looking on your sales by shopping, deals with drugs, making physical show with explosives, often driving medicals cars because of non-military-service and taking care of making chaos. On this way, they are preparing the public opinion to hate specific ethnic groups. It is the crime. This is why they need the members of parliament. The members of parliament can make the decision to invade foreign countries. December 2016 they took care about disabling of the crime calling “Preparation of aggressive war” and did the new – to that time procedural – non working law. More of that: they makes the same game around the world to eliminate foreign nations in the hating war between each other. To see that, you have to live on this pseudo official, but totally criminal environment round about 20 years. Welcome to surroundings of Hilden town, NRW, Germany. Read here a lot about radars, Wachtberg town, former FGAN and Afghanistan war, radio waves, radiation and EEG https://teledoctor24.ru/upload/resize_images/iblock/f07/6cpmc3kpan7a3llz7hglqutf5bz8dve0/55.webp before. Just use the search form: https://lovesunpeace.com/102/?s=radar

  2. I think, they could need an massive international cyber operation against themselves because of feeding the information sources like internet with fake information with the criminal intensions.

  3. They are looking on your money by payments exactly like that. No joke https://lovesunpeace.com/102/wo-ist-die-finanzierungsquelle-der-pranker
