LoJack becomes LoJax: First UEFI rootkit

Top #hackers. #LoJack becomes #LoJax: First #UEFI rootkit or why the modern UEFI #computers are just the spying #electronic_garbage on the one of the lowest levels https://www.welivesecurity.com/2018/09/27/lojax-first-uefi-rootkit-found-wild-courtesy-sednit-group/ #garbage #hardware #low_level #coding #elite #embedded_programming #non_volatile #memory UEFI #rootkit

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#Actuators #Actuator https://www.oemoffhighway.com/electronics/actuators/article/21134975/electrohydraulic-actuators-offer-ability-to-handle-heavy-loads-in-tight-spaces

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Radar and your walls

#Radar and your #walls https://www.pinterest.com/pin/434738170255280795/

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220v electric Generator from 6 Microwave Transformers

220v #electric #Generator from 6 #Microwave #Transformers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hzEB7qmA-I

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Fahrende Wasserstoff Sprengsätze

#Propaganda macht es möglich: fahrende #Wasserstoff #Sprengsätze https://www.freenet.de/auto/elektro-autos/namx-huv-2025-suv-mit-wasserstoff-in-wechseltanks-40441026.html #Himmelfahrtskommando

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Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems zeigt Interesse an MV-Werften

https://www.freenet.de/finanzen/nachrichten/thyssenkrupp-marine-systems-zeigt-interesse-an-mv-werften-40441028.html #Thyssenkrupp #Marine Systems zeigt Interesse an MV #Werften #Krupp

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Deeper Smart Sonar

#Deeper #Smart #Sonar https://www.reichelt.de/de/en/deeper-smart-sonar-pro-2-deeper-pro-2-p315513.html?CCOUNTRY=445&LANGUAGE=pl&GROUPID=9862&START=0&OFFSET=16&SID=96e3fe08ec9681494b9d93117c9d02df47525df3e88c0cf0b01ec&LANGUAGE=EN&&r=1

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Computer systems: poisoning attacks types

the types of #poisoning #attacks https://cyware.com/news/understanding-the-types-of-poisoning-attacks-ed39c024 #model #DNS #spoofing #cybersecurity #computer

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Explosives Detection. Neighbor

#Explosives #Detection methods. #Neighbor. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/explosives-detection no #bell no #mobile no #call no #door opening. Test from left side middle. #street_workers and #medics #MAD #Hilden trail #TNT #gaunerzinken #gaunerzinke #Wiesner #wiessner

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Rauschgererator 10 MHz – 10 GHz

#Rauschgenerator #Rauschquelle für 10 MHz bis 10 GHz https://www.rf-microwave.com/app/resources/uploads/diodes/UKW_NW303.pdf #frequency

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Musik mit Rauschgenerator. littleBits Synth Kit

#Musik mit #Rauschgenerator. littleBits #Synth #Kit https://www.srf.ch/radio-srf-3/digital/littlebits-synth-kit-klaenge-kreieren-und-verstehen #bits

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Project HAARP like the installation near Bonn Bunker

#video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WdLV3YRMvw

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Abdelraheem Mohamed Elkhalifa – Security issues of Power line Communications

#Security issues of #Power line #Communications. #power_line #PowerLAN etc. http://www.iosrjen.org/Papers/vol3_issue12%20(part-3)/A031230106.pdf

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WhatsApp messages can be deleted after 7 days automatically

#WhatsApp has new #function: #messages for 7 days https://www.aroged.com/2020/11/whatsapp-has-new-function-messages-can-disappear-after-7-days/

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awk / sed text handling examples?

awk ‘{print $2}’ from_file > to_file

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Mammut-Radar in Wuppertal

#Wuppertal SG and GEFA-BANK #building on Robert-Daum-Platz 1 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammut_(Radar) looks like #Mammut #Radar https://datenrettungtool.de/places-photo/gefabankgmbh861.jpg What is why you will get #followers any time you make a #break on the bank of the #Wupper #river near that building with #underground_parking, river #water access etc. Funny #freaks from the past. #mammut_radar

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how to use zip under linux

create #zip #archive: 7za a -tzip -pPASSPHRASE -mem=AES256 secure.zip file1.txt file2.pdf file3.jpg | extract zip archive: 7za e myarchive.zip | https://www.putorius.net/how-to-create-enrcypted-password.html

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