15 the code – IRA

15 the #code#code_15#SCO15#silencer#SO15https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter_Terrorism_Command#Irish – #Irina – #Irene#Irma#IRA#ШКФ#славянский#British_sector#terror#counter #terrorism#killer#MAD#maddie_mobile#mad #die #mobile#car #accident – Ihren Sohn – #Elgelhardt#Friedrich #Engels – #Friedrich_Engels#Friederike#city#Schweinestall#biologic_reaction – #Uran – 100 km – #Wachtberg#Wache#Вахрушеваhttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/madness-band#ATLAS I – #radiation#Rafale#рафикhttps://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAF-2203#араб#Полицаймакоhttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/?s=Полицаймако

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Harald Felling. init

Technische #Versorgung in #LKA_Düssedorf https://www.init.de/standorte https://lka.polizei.nrw/artikel/impressum Associations: #Pauli #Paul #Internet Versorgung der #Korrupten oder der #Terroristen #Fake_Content #fake_cases in the #police #Einbrecher #Prototyp 2018 #Abhören #Schädigung an den #Leitungen #K__535 #Nemtsov #Sergey_Brin #Angriffe_Ankündigung #Schädigung_online #Google #Schaden fürs #Geschäft #Business #hacker #elite #1337 #Terrorism #Strafvereitelung drahtlose Angriffe auf Leitungen #lobby #Deutsche_Telekom #gaspipe with optical cable instead of alternative #companies #Mobile #cable #Chaoten #Chaos. § 138 StGB Plan: #one_way to block: https://www.1tv.ru/shows/vremya-pokazhet/vypuski/vremya-pokazhet-chast-2-vypusk-ot-07-06-2022

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The National Counterterrorism Center a step behind of Ping-!-Pong

NCTC Releases First-of-its-Kind Mobile App to #Federal and #Military Partners. A #mobile #app, that shares unclassified #counterterrorism #reports, #analysis, training #resources, and #alerts https://www.dni.gov/index.php/nctc-newsroom/item/2275-nctc-releases-first-of-its-kind-mobile-app-to-federal-and-military-partners Wow! #lol #Microb Ping-!-Pong is such the international #resource since 2019 and has no limits in sense of user category. #objectivity #ping_pong So, let’s see the results in the international #context.

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Explosives Detection. Neighbor

#Explosives #Detection methods. #Neighbor. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/explosives-detection no #bell no #mobile no #call no #door opening. Test from left side middle. #street_workers and #medics #MAD #Hilden trail #TNT #gaunerzinken #gaunerzinke #Wiesner #wiessner

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Football shooting in Alabama

https://bnonews.com/index.php/2021/10/multiple-people-shot-at-mobile-alabama-football-stadium/ 4 people shot at #football #stadium in #Mobile, #Alabama #american_football #news #USA

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Madness (Band)

The legendary maker of ” #Our_house in the middle of the street”, ” #maddie_mobile” [ #mad #die #mobile ] etc.: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Madness_(band)

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Online Tool for mobile website check

#online #tool for #mobile #website #design #test http://www.responsinator.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnbs-research.com%2Fnovosti%2Fru%2F%3Fs%3D%25D0%2592%25D0%25BE%25D0%25BB%25D0%25BA

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