Harald Felling. init

Technische #Versorgung in #LKA_Düssedorf https://www.init.de/standorte https://lka.polizei.nrw/artikel/impressum Associations: #Pauli #Paul #Internet Versorgung der #Korrupten oder der #Terroristen #Fake_Content #fake_cases in the #police #Einbrecher #Prototyp 2018 #Abhören #Schädigung an den #Leitungen #K__535 #Nemtsov #Sergey_Brin #Angriffe_Ankündigung #Schädigung_online #Google #Schaden fürs #Geschäft #Business #hacker #elite #1337 #Terrorism #Strafvereitelung drahtlose Angriffe auf Leitungen #lobby #Deutsche_Telekom #gaspipe with optical cable instead of alternative #companies #Mobile #cable #Chaoten #Chaos. § 138 StGB Plan: #one_way to block: https://www.1tv.ru/shows/vremya-pokazhet/vypuski/vremya-pokazhet-chast-2-vypusk-ot-07-06-2022

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Bankruptcy of Rafael and IAI – let’s see on the situation

Israeli #companies #Rafael and #IAI are the #constructors of the #Iron_Dome. The #missile systems are #dangerous for #humans #health. #Israeli #lobbyist #Zelenskiy in the occupied part of historic #Russia #Ukraine – [Ukraina] means #periphery territory – probably trying to #sell the systems on #Russians by #bombing Russian #territories. Today a #bombshell has destroyed a parts of Russian #security forces. Normally it must causes the completely #lobby #elimination and developing or increasing of #production of the own protection systems. So negative #forecast for the #aggressors and for the companies. Just in case: the #law system allows the #confiscation of the #technique, used for #domestic or #international #terrorism. So the #companies can be blacklisted and to be #sanctioned.

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Money getting Roadshow

Financial roadshow of NBS. Again and again and again. The owner of #NBS asks for #financing by #banks, #international_institutions and by private #trading #companies. The professional financial #experts can contact NBS to build together a big and really useful company. Don’t react on #replicas on the #market. The big exists companies sometimes just copy my business #solutions. The only #original is: https://nbs-research.com

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