Eiland – terrorism financing


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Trade instead of war pressure on Russia

The rules for #international #relationships in the #economy and #energy sector between #Russia and the #European_Union are clear now. The message seems to be: “lets #trade instead of #investing in the #war and #separatism in the #periphery of Russia https://www.euronews.com/2022/06/23/germany-moves-a-step-closer-to-rationing-gas-after-russia-cuts-supplies #Ukraine itself means #Periphery in some #Russian_dialect, just in case. That is not the separate state with foreign #impostors from #comedian #scene, with what the #terrorists wants negotiate and sent the #military #gifts to kill even more Russians. #financing of #terrorism #genocide

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Богодельня – financing

#финансирование#богодельня#financinghttps://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abrechnungsbetrug#scam#Niedersachsen#сбор_подписей на чеках

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Raiders seized the plant Azovstal

#Red_flag #operation under wrong national flag on the Russian periphery. #Military #raiders got the Russian-ukrainian #factory #Azov #steel in #Mariupol. #business #raiders unfair #competition #war_crime The #partisans shoot sometimes back. This business and war crime was systematically prepared at least supported by #NATO #terror lobby. #doing_business Do you still think the instrumentalisated NATO don’t kill you too, if you own something valuable? #international_business #index #crime #financing

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Money getting Roadshow

Financial roadshow of NBS. Again and again and again. The owner of #NBS asks for #financing by #banks, #international_institutions and by private #trading #companies. The professional financial #experts can contact NBS to build together a big and really useful company. Don’t react on #replicas on the #market. The big exists companies sometimes just copy my business #solutions. The only #original is: https://nbs-research.com

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Auftrag zur Beschreibung der Finanzierungsquelle NSA

#Finanzierungsquelle #NSA. Das ist eine #Preisanfrage von #Unternehmensberatung NBS für Ausführung einer Praxis-Beschreibung von #Business mit NSA https://www.nsa.gov/business/ In der #Forschungsarbeit sollen die erfolgreiche und nicht erfolgreiche Fälle von anderen existenten Geschäften beschrieben werden. Die Arbeit ist zur Verwendung in #Deutschland und in anderen nicht-US-Staaten gedacht. Erwartet wird eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung auf der Basis der Forschungsarbeit. Die Arbeit soll in Deutsch verfasst werden. Es müssen die #Gesetze zum Verbot der Arbeit für ausländische Mächte berücksichtigt werden. Bitte das #Angebot mit einem unverbindlichen #Kostenvoranschlag zusenden unter https://nbs-research.com/consulting/contact #Finanzierung #security #financing

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Special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC) and IPO

Projects #financing: Kickstarter.com was yesterday, Special-purpose #acquisition company (SPAC) shows success: $250 Mio by the first placement for Kismet Acquisition One Corp. (MuzTV) on #technology stock exchange #NASDAQ for the further #investments https://www.rbc.ru/technology_and_media/06/08/2020/5f2b92d29a794799e3f29eac

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