Шёл двенадцатый миллион убыли населения

Оно может быть и не так, но судя по информационному полю, именно так: #иностранцы (внешним воздействием) погубили 11 миллионов населения России за последние примерно 30 лет. Начался двенадцатый миллион военных потерь. А написано для макроуспокоения заявителя в органы, рассматриваюшие преступление геноцида так: https://runews24.ru/samara/01/03/2024/v-samare-proshel-rejd-po-migrantam-ne-vstavshim-na-voinskij-uchet #геноцид #genocide

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Illegal collection of bio-metric data

Illegal #collection_of_biometric_data for purposes of #terrorists goes over plastic film envelope in #Meerbusch, #Germany. The next office of radical extremists is situated in #Düsseldorf near of #CIA office at main #railway_station #Hauptbahnhof. Where are professional #killers, who is hunting of #Russians over police and medicals. Be warned and take care of engaged medical staff, who works over the local corrupt police. The #lobby of #GoreCivic, #GEO Group makes troubles in Germany over #production_of_fake_evidences and #hostages. #Suppliers_chain seems to look as: #Nazi or another #terrorists > #CIA > local #corrupts > #misleading_the_investigation by Ukrainian and #Islamic_way. #Investigation #fake_evidence_production #evidence #plastic_envelope #corrupt_police #Landesjustizvollzugsdirektion #LJVD #JV #Killer #hostage #politics #preparation_of_a_crime https://www.justiz.nrw/Gerichte_Behoerden/landesjustizvollzugsdirektion/index.php The local politics thinking to work on the #crime_case and #celebrating the #suspect’s #innocence. The really #suspects in this chain are well known as the #police_officers from department ZA1.2. in #Wuppertal, owner of the #fakes_names like #Gailat1 #Gerhard2 #Linscheid3 #Sippel4 under #confederates_flag https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America#/media/File:Confederate_Rebel_Flag.svg in their office. #confederates_flags will be used by the #Nazi. This terrorists are really #hunting_people by using #police_equipment and writing fake #letters. #IT_path like #sip and #tracking over #mobile_phone goes in the direction #MAD and #service_supplier of the #police in the #NRW. Meanwhile the CIA or #NSA (study about most used IP addresses of writers on Wikipedia shows on #Maryland) makes #propaganda over #Wikipedia for similar structure of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederation_of_Mountain_Peoples_of_the_Caucasus to make the #conflict_against_Russians perfect. So now, #public_prosecutors: ready, steady, take care about #genocide structures.

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greenhorn – hitler

https://www.britannica.com/list/9-things-you-might-not-know-about-adolf-hitlerhttps://vz.ru/world/2024/1/22/1249678.html#greenhorn#hitler#hit#punch#strike – #bam – #propaganda – #war#genocide – wrong #flag – #red_flag

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#Schadensersatz https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schadensersatz #Megatonen von #Information in einem kurzen #Artikel für den allgemeinen #Überblick über Schadesnsersatz. Logischerweise muss der #Schaden erstmal entstanden sein, kausal adäquat der Handlungen oder Unterlassung der Verursacher zuordnerbar sein ( #Völkermord, #genocide z.B.) usw.

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German natives in the terrorism statistics

Some strange #report from 2011 about #german natives under #terrorists in #Germany, but with a strange #correlation of §§ numbers with the German #criminal #code – from #psychiatry near standing #section § 65 till #haters § 130 StGB https://ctc.westpoint.edu/germany-increasingly-a-center-for-terrorism-in-europe/ In the reality the #cyber #criminals changes the #citizenship of the #victims of terrorism in the official records to kill them by #arrest because of imaginary crimes or in the prison after the arrest. The real German #mafia works with #fakes in the #authorities. The famous #terrorists works now in #NRW. Good #investigators can find law links to everywhere to work against persons in the authorities, who takes care of #enforcement of #genocide as criminals. Nowadays in #Bielefeld a #cyber_center of police was created. Ideology makes the law work impossible. The criminals in the authorities just ignores the #evidences against them. So now: danger! The possible #prerequisites for a war are given. The #idiots in the ministry and #counterterrorism units just ignores the #reports since 2014. The #special on the German #ideology is driven by the #blindness by crimes made by the own people and #involved criminal foreigners, who shares the ideology. Some research in the prosecutors databases would help, but #counterintelligence of the terrorists erases everything, evidences, victims and even the #eyewitness. Welcome to modern Germany with a #peace plan.

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Big investigation against criminals in autorities in NRW Germany

#Investigation. The dimensions of #corruption in NRW #Germany covering nearly everything. Big investigation against the really dangerous #criminals in #authorities was initiated. #Over_the_law_emergency_state is where according some #law_comments to § 35 of German #Crime_Codex. Now are the #executive on the basis (read something about it) and their better educated #instructions_giver clarifying who is the better choice for the society. The dangerous basis has #weapons and manipulated #informants like #nutten to push every #decision, the better educated law “elite” has the power of decision making according the #corrupt_information. Nobody protects the #human_rights here. You can find no #protection for the #children and #family in Germany, if they don’t need you in the #country, need you to be #agent in #foreign_country or don’t need you anymore at all. Be careful with strange German #lobby. The #nation is delivering #tanks and different kind of #weapons in the #conflict_region, to inflame it and to get the #refugees back to use their as informants, #sex_slaves, #helping_staff, #spies in the near future, #bio_robots after using the #equipment for reading of #electric_signals of the body and #organ_donators. The situation is not normal. The responsibility for it is separated in the parts, so everyone can say, he or she was just making the official job. But, they all has to know the whole picture, to be sanctioned according § 6 VStGB or 18 U.S. Code § 1091 – #Genocide. The press work for #taking_to_knowledge of genocide crime in the #public it was did. #sanctions #international_law #analogs Be warned to make the #mistake to look for #law_enforcement in the old #fascists_connection countries. The connection still works. #Finland #Japan #Italy

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Stasi Block Case

Stasi hat sich planmäßig aufgelöst – erfolgreiche #Niederlage#MAD übernimmt – #Amtshilfe#DACH#Bank 2006 – #db – db #Werbung aufm #Dach#Eisenbahn#Stasi – мол #русские и их друзья – #Leipzig#Staatsschutz #Berlin – 51 – 52 – 53 – #Hausnummer#Wuppertal#Nutten#Infiltration#Geiselnahme#STUDIE_WARE_KIND 2014 – #Betrug#Korruption#Vermögensabschöpfung = #Vermögensklau#Bereicherung#суки#ворьё без понятий – #Personal – #президент#speechwriter#Авария дочь мента – #фильм#Filmtabletten#поток_энергии#шпионаж#radiation#испытания#высокочастотное_навязывание_сигнала#Lange#пытки#torture#Ordnungsbehörden#Spionage#Anzeigen gegen nicht durch – #Fälschungen im Namen der #Staatsanwaltschaft, #Polizei, #Gerichte – Stasi #style – фальшивые #украинцы с татуировками подготовка на убой – #психологи – спокойное #стадо#пушечное_мясо#Post #Blockade#Verbrechen im Amt – #Staatsanwälte#Bestechlichkeit#Anwerbung#вербовка проблемами – #red_flag_exercises – wrong #relatives#Stasi = #MAD#DRK#medicine#Einbruch#korrupte_Bullen#Motorradfahrer#Killer#Terroristen#Waffen#Agentur#Vereitelung#Strafvereitelung im Amt – #военные преступления – #genocide#angezeigt

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Ukrainian fighters uses western aid for attacks on Russian forces

Ukrainian #fighters uses western #aid for #attacks on Russian forces https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/ukraine-russia-novorossisysk-naval-drone-attack-1.6928208 #genocide against Russians

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Supporting of genocide is the federal crime

Today #Robert #Hanssen https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/06/05/robert-hanssen-russian-spy-dead/ is died in the #prison https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/05/politics/robert-hanssen/index.html #US #officials should it know, actually. Supporting of #genocide against #Russians with #intelligence information, delivering to the Ukrainian #separatists, delivering of #weapons etc. is most probably the #federal_crime. So what is wrong with the system? #FBI #Fake #justice https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Bureau_of_Prisons #upside_down #inside_out

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Shocking Content. Paul Pelosi was injured

#Paul_Pelosi was injured by #David #dePape https://news.yahoo.com/paul-pelosi-video-hammer-attack-depape-police-body-camera-180804720.html https://news.yahoo.com/911-call-paul-pelosi-during-202443658.html most probably because his wife Nancy intended to make next #genocide episodes against #Russians. #USA officials facing #responsibility. The special way is #de_facto confirmed by relaxed policeman’s #behavior. This episode shows the message: #cool_down, anyone of #war_lobby_maker. Of course you will not trust this #Hollywood-like #video. But the message is now fact.

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Прямое участие США в военном конфликте

#Володин о прямом участии #США в конфликте у границ России https://russian.rt.com/world/news/1103424-ssha-ukraina-volodin #геноцид #конституция 15 + 18 U.S. Code § 1091 – #Genocide

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EU parliament was warned of making own crimes

#EU #parliament members was warned of making own #crimes as people, who participate on #genocide against #Russians, as the German officials systematically do that. Officially the #EU is now informed and involved in the #crime_case of #genocide. They was also informed about the totally #espionage, did from #Germany. Prosecutors should now do anything, they can do, to prevent the next big #war and genocide. The exactly law way can be a slightly different for any EU country.

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UN lesson. All together right now: [okraina Rossii]

#UN #lesson. All together right now: [okraina Rossii] #phonetic exercise to learn what #Ukraina means – #periphery of #Russia. No #discussion about it. All next UN #debates goes please about #crisis in #Germany, latent #genocide against big groups of people: #citizens and #outlander- #Mafia want to rule the world by #espionage and #hostage and similar #crimes, what the #localists can not handle.

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The small brains of the localists in Germany

#Localists, known also as #communists in the logic of administrative-territorial entity #commune are sometimes incredible stupid. The newest #example from #Germany: somebody writes a #confidential message on the #UN. The #local_idiots with the #interception #equipment understands it as a message for the highest authority in the city: – just imagine it – …local #police_department. So they uses their small #mind_power to interpret the message profitable for the local politics agenda or for the #conflict on the #Russian_periphery [okraina] #Ukraine, without understanding the message and the damages, they do for themselves and to the others by simulation, being UN or the other authorities. #Crisis_region #Germany: idiots, who decreases own #birth_rates by such kind of #behavior in the game with completely broken #justice wants to be the main power. So stupid was the #brown_movement of #Nazi Adolf Hitler. The same game nearly 80 years later after his death. So my dear localists: first of all – you are completely stupid. Second – using of radio interception is a crime. Third – nobody can block the #connection to the another authorities #officially, this is the often mistake of the local #MAD terrorists. Fourth – your #justice in Germany has equals small brains and can not see the danger, coming by the results of their own work. Fifth – #education in Germany is really really bad, even if it is very #ambitious. #Shut_up and learn: local police has no power to manage the questions over the borders of the city, but the another #authorities can bring you in the prison from outside. #facepalm #genocide made by localists, genocide, made by justice, genocide made by modern German #politicians. Next is coming: the study about #brown_movement or simple #Nazi_connections in the #practice. It will be not understandable written pieces of texts, until the #study is done for the #reportage.

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Research on corruption under police co-workers in Germany

#Research on #corruption under #police co-workers in #Germany. Aim: #evaluation of the corruption #methods in #German_police. #Method on #victim side: being a usual non representative #person, asking the real #legal_questions in the #local_police #department. #Feedback from the #corrupt co-workers: no direct answers, #commit_by_omission, #false_suspicions to have illegal #weapons, #stalking by police itself, probably payed neighbors and #agents, #studying the #time_plan of the victim, #pressing method by the #illegal_blocking of the access to the news and #commercial_information, producing of the #fake_news as #Donald_Trump it loves to say, #blocking of the possibility to make #business online and offline, #burglary from the police co-workers to get #documents and #values of the victim for the private use of corrupt police co-workers, new false suspicions for the next burglary on the paper, calling for help by local #corrupt_medicals like #psychologists from the #city, placing of “the gifts” near registration place, what can be used as #сircumstantials by false #suspicion (creation of the #wrong_evidences also), a lot of #incorrect_papers work to #legitimate own crime episodes. #Wuppertal, #Germany. Free #Research on the visible layer of the #war_crimes in #Germany was made (c) 2017-2022 by #NBS https://nbs-research.com #genocide #episodes #guarantor #research_results Right to use the results of the research: By using of this information online, you have to set a #backlink to the source.

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Reearch on reason of aggressive behavior of EU

New #sanctions against #Russia. No #reason to do that so. What is behind? The #Baltic #countries initialized the new sanctions against Russia in sense of #traveling #restrictions. Who can be the #beneficiaries? Let’s see, may be they just want to sale more #sex services and do more for #human_trafficking to infiltrate the #agents to #Russia through blocking the access to #EU, except of #marriage possibilities; doing #dependencies on the humans level also, the known #tactics of sugar-agents from the earlier years. This political #lobby of #port and #beach #prostitutes and their owners is an act of #organized_crime. Just for example:open information for #research https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_Estonia Facing to that problem nobody think about #reproduction of the under #genocide standing population. The funny #special_services want play the game till nobody is where. #infiltration #Baltic_countries #fun and #crime #manipulation #international_relationships

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Генпрокуратура РФ должна инициировать дело о геноциде против сотрудников НАТО

до конца августа 2022 года, если этого до сих пор не произошло. #геноцид #прокуратура #НАТО Иначе НАТО в спешном порядке будет менять устав а #США законы. #genocide

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Байден напуган и пытается изменить закон

#Байден напуган и пытается изменить #закон. Ничего не получится. #Biden #genocide #crime #criminal_behavior

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Mr. Biden signs the imprisonment for life condition for himself

If mister #Biden will sign the protocols about #NATO #joining of historic Russian #Finland, he is automatically the #aggressor and somebody who works against a category of people in sense of #genocide according 18 U.S. Code § 1091 (a) (4) https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1091 in #combination with #foreign_law he can be punished deadly.

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WW III – everything is moving

What’s behind the renewed tensions between #Serbia and #Kosovo? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/4/whats-behind-the-renewed-tensions-between-serbia-and-kosovo #genocide in #Germany #WW_III #nuclear_war in the #Ukraine #NATO #aggression #preparations in #Finland #China #Taiwan #Armenia and #Azerbaijan, #Israel, something else?

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Use in the dark – huge war crimes – German fasists – Crimea – Syria – Genocide

#Fascist – 14/88 – 08/15 – #forbidden_organization #MAD – DIN EN 62488-1 VDE 0850-488-1:2013-11 https://lovesunpeace.com/102/trolleybusnye-provoda-v-tule#comment-2959 – typical #crazy land #Marine#Crombach#junkiehttps://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Utzerath#Raytheonhttps://www.raymarine.com/#Rathenow – Fake #military_city for fake german #Russianshttps://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ратеновhttps://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Кураленко,_Сергей_Васильевич – the #best one in the carrier on the #west#forecast and #terrorists #planning for #census between Russians – #population reducing aim https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bev%C3%B6lkerungsprognosen_Rathenow.pdf – MAD work – #Marie #Huanahttps://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huan#Felde#Feldjäger – female terrorist from #Hildenhttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/birkenheier-berezovsky-bond-mad-and-crazy – systematically children #hostage#integration#fake personal #documents#official_form, fake #filling – the same #building for #MAD and #Feldjäger – German #military_Police#Waldkaserne https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waldkaserne#Stalker#Eugen_Bleuler#panthers#Düsseldorfhttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/cab/eva_ivans#Wehrhahn #bombing#crane#New_York#Genocide #realization#Russia, #Siria – using of Russian military forces for #war_operation without any profit for Russians in #Syria#fake_Russianshttps://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Военная_операция_России_в_Сирии#Arab_Israeli_conflict#арабо_израильский_кофликт#use_in_the_dark#Жанна#war_crime#USA – 18 US Code 1091 – 6 #VStGB#Übergesetzlicher_Notstand#over_the_law_emergency_state in Germany – #guarantor

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Trade instead of war pressure on Russia

The rules for #international #relationships in the #economy and #energy sector between #Russia and the #European_Union are clear now. The message seems to be: “lets #trade instead of #investing in the #war and #separatism in the #periphery of Russia https://www.euronews.com/2022/06/23/germany-moves-a-step-closer-to-rationing-gas-after-russia-cuts-supplies #Ukraine itself means #Periphery in some #Russian_dialect, just in case. That is not the separate state with foreign #impostors from #comedian #scene, with what the #terrorists wants negotiate and sent the #military #gifts to kill even more Russians. #financing of #terrorism #genocide

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Pentagon’s History lessons: Finland is Russia

#Pentagon’s #History #lessons: #Finland is #Russia. Tsar #Peter the I has marked the #territory as Russian country. And it is true. The bloody #revolution of 1917 was made to kill the maximum of Russian people and to install the #mismanagement by Bolsheviks like in the last time in #Africa. After 100 years (the #law_expiring_time) the #fascists are trying to kill even more #Russians in the #Ukraine and to catch #Finland to #aggressive #NATO #alliance. So it is (a) the #genocide (b) the #war_declaration (c) the genocide has no #expiring_time. The #Russians can shoot back even 400-500 years later. Do you understand me, officers? The #coalition of #partisans is bigger, as you can imagine it. They are just cool, very very #cool, like your #cooling_systems. Mr. #Clinton knows it. So and now: you can not accept the #applications of Finland and #Sweden to join NATO, because you would support genocide by making free sea #trading on the #Baltic_Sea for Russians nearly impossible and as result creating the life conditions, that are the genocide itself. Because of that, the Russians could charge everybody in the law sense. And they have time… #Officially. Criminal #ambitions of #Vikings are not law compatible.

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NATO is preparing the aggression against Russians

#Fascism has the name. It is the #NATO. They kills #Russians by #special_services since over 30 years. Now they want to steal the Russian #country in #Finland and in the #Ukraine. That are the #aggressors. #Tribunal asked. Everybody in NATO countries is scarred by NATO killers. #Killing of #tyrants in #NATO is now – after case law study about children kidnapping for #terrorism and #genocide, doing by #agents – allowed.

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Peter Hultqvist insulted Russians

#Peter_Hultqvist#defense #minister of #Sweden – insulted #Russians if he calls they “bad guys”. https://tvzvezda.ru/news/2022414312-fCzJO.html So, mister ****** ******, I like Europeans at all, but what do you think, you are, to call me and my people – just in case, Europeans too – bad guys? Earlier it was Germans Leaders, who called Jewish people even worst, now you? [ #microblog #editor: facing that #war_crime #scenario https://lovesunpeace.com/102/primernyy-scenariy-voyny ] What is the #reason for that #crime from your side? I would like to charge him as #war_preparing, #propaganda_maker and #terrorist. #Prosecutors, please: that is the #official_crime as #genocide #episode too. #Ready, #steady, run the #process. [ microblog editor: #international_law links allows the usage of #foreign_law parts in the own #law_system ]

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No money for the war. Business and war news from Google

Google AdSense says: Dear #Publisher, Due to the war in #Ukraine, we will pause monetization of #content that exploits, dismisses, or condones the #war. Please note, we have already been enforcing on claims related to the war in Ukraine when they violated existing #policies (for instance, the Dangerous or #Derogatory_content policy prohibits monetizing content that incites #violence or denies #tragic_events). This update is meant to clarify, and in some cases expand, our publisher guidance as it relates to this conflict. This pause includes, but is not limited to, claims that imply victims are responsible for their own tragedy or similar instances of #victim_blaming, such as claims that Ukraine is committing #genocide or deliberately attacking its own citizens. Sincerely, The #Google_AdSense Team

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Joe – war crime – USAF

#Jo#Joseph#Joachim#Biden#human_rights #violation – illegal #sanctions#Ukraine#Gas#raiders#Kaperei#Privateerhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privateer#war_crime#professional#USAF – 62 – #Joe – Ё – #каперы#сепаратисты – #Юссиф – #Сталин#зажигательные_боеприпасы – #Карпенко – #Carpenters#carpet_bombing#genocide#Kennedy#major#Rammstein

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Small inferno in the UKraine

Just in case, somebody don’t understand, the #consequences for #genocide: #special_operation: #fire, #local #fuel_crisis, #military #activities, #airports works not properly, #Crimea becomes #water from the blocked #water_supplying #aqueduct, a kind of #hysteria on the GB #financial_market, because of #blocking of potentially #dangerous #investments in the #war against #Russia, secured #area near dramatically known #nuclear_energy_plant, everything fine where, a #helicopter goes down in Russia, 30 fighters on the #periphery gave up, so far no known #civilians was injured and so go on. #Sources: tvzvezda.ru and mail.ru (mail.ru is most probably the #agency of #DST of #CIA) #inferno

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Terrorism arguments collection 2

Germany. #Online #streaming is full with similar to #BND #obstruction_of_justice and stupid #mad #bullshit. Any public #DNS, any #country, any #streaming #channel, I want to enjoy to get fresh #information. Why so serious? Where is no right by #authorities to focus my attention on their dramatic and systematic law #mistakes by #manipulating my online #streaming since years. This structures could be recognized as the #organized_crime #hostage-taking #terrorists. Now #official as the statement of #guarantor. The few arguments to the context: #war_crime, #statistics to #genocide in #Germany, #study #studie_ware_kind #corruption #over_the_law_emergency_state #confiscation of the #court #building #ministers can be jailed, the #judges can be #eliminated by the #law no #joke Where is no value for me, it means #crimes of #military_shielding_service and #special_services for internationals #human_trafficking #affairs. Do you feel the same #propaganda style?

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Mafia – human trafficking

#Wehrhahn#bomb#пути #МПС – fake investigation for terrorists to keep they up to date – #коронованный#Königstr. 6 – #Corona#Tronak#Mariah_Carey#Studie_Ware_Kind#Karin#Langley#Mariah – Mariya – #desktop #picture#Taj_Mahal#Tajikistan#Casino#Donald_Thrump #collection – casino/sazino – #Andrew#Baltic_countries 1997 – #St_Petersburg – Indian #swastika #connection – #Milinder – #Urgant – #video_production – numbered #children collection – over 3500 cases – case 1178 – #aircraft #carrier #ship – sold – #Нагиев#разметка#истребитель#понуждение#compulsion to act – #ten_codes 1014 – #eleven_codes 1178 – 1184 – #corruption – fake #investigation #scenarios#terrorists in #authorities#human_trafficking – кровавая #жатва на пути террористов – #ATF – #сокрытие#MAD#турецкая_разведка – тектаническое решение – no #AFRICOM#минуточку – советский #детский_сад#слежка#байдарочники – возможно и скорее всего #КГБ 80-х – #обмен#интернационал#Карл_Маркс#Фридрих_Энгельс#Olympio – #Krupp – #Крупп – А. #Блок#оливковость в очереди – #Oliver pseudo #friend#ATLAS I – https://lovesunpeace.com/102/the-modern-gas-chamber-in-germany-how-to#comment-2109#FVEY#АМУЯ#Oliver #logistic#human_trafficking – full range on #Nazi methods – permanent #revolution#genocide

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Crane – Abwehr

#Wehrhahn#Wehr#Bundeswehr#Feuerwehr#Abwehr#Abschirmung#Fossari#Eugen_Bleuler#Voss#Hahn#Hahner#Hahnenstr#crane#construction_crane#espionage#terroristic_organization in #Cologne#Jugendamt#justice_gang#genocide#FBI #Washington#New_York #post_office – digital #tracking#Nemtsov#Nazi#Arbeitsamt#madness

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Business – military – genocide

#Business#Third_man_records#polhttps://www.thirdmanrecords.com#notary#Notar#Unternehmen#company#USA #shipping#business_partners#business#conflict_of_interests#interests#clearwater#clearing #clear#scientologists#blackwater – now: #academy – Academy #Wuppertal – a lot of #PSY – crimes of #taxes crime authorities – #radiation#Hensoldt#Ulm#military #sensors – #stadion – #scientiologists#geo placing – #Donau –  #Haan and the neighbor cities like #Hilden#homeland#terrorism#Fahrenheit_451 #scenario#city #floodinghttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/burn-the-cooked-books-typical-taxes-crime-cases-in-wuppertal-film#Marine#Kriegsmarine#Jeremy ‘n Co. – #aurora#Аврора#здание НПО – #Андреевский_флаг#революция#идеология – боевые системы управления флотом – #авианосец#mil #Inder#выкорми_дитя#Попов – город – #Фридрих_Энгельс#Антонов#убийство_Карлова#смерть_Чуркина#racing#races#explosion#car_accident#fake_investigation_directions#fire#kidnapping#FBI#Washington#letter #New_York#post_office#IT_specialists#tracking_system#MAD #coast_guard#crane_collapse – a lot of military actions everywhere – #agents – old #aggressive #lobby#Hoover_FBI vs. correct #FBI#ФБР_Гувераhttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/the-mamas-andamp-the-papas-california-dreamin-september-24-1967-on-the-ed-sullivan-show#facepalm#genocide#terrorism_financing#children as #recruiting an #hostage material – #studie_ware_kind#геноцид – утрата 11 миллионов людей в России – #сверхправовое_чрезвычайное_положение#чрезвычайное_положение – перехват инициативы – обязанность – #гарант – #Garant#Garantenstellunghttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/bekanntmachung-krise-in-deutschland

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Mirrored news: everything upside down

Propaganda: #genocide professionals from Germany charges the destroyed nation with genocide-like crime https://www.euronews.com/2021/07/28/german-prosecutors-charge-syrian-doctor-with-crimes-against-humanity The German #Mafia works much more silently: throw the family #destroying and children’s #kidnapping. The German federal #prosecutor definitely knows about that. The #documents against German #mafia_members in #authorities are pending.

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Дети и старики как товар

#Богодельня #дети и #старики #пансионат #Геронтропсихиатрия #опека #волеизъявление #дом_престарелых #пожар #Кожевникова #приют #нахлобучивание специализированным образованием #круговая_порука #мошенничество http://www.tvc.ru/channel/brand/id/32/show/episodes/episode_id/52778 Ищите также: #ускоренная_смерть – #гамма #излучение и эпизод схемы #геноцид. Сопровождение и мотивационное #враньё с детского возраста на примере исследования в другой стране https://lovesunpeace.com/102/?s=studie-ware-kind #вступительный_взнос #материнский_капитал#capital #capital_punishment означает #смертная_казнь Смотрите также законы о широкомасштабном применении наркотиков иностранных армий в ходе секретных операций: https://nbs-research.com/chto-takoe/чек-жаргон/ #genocide #Völkermord #Menschenhandel #human_trafficking #наркотики

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Заказной фильм – серия

Фильм #Призрак по мотивам новостей #фашистов, проводящих политику геноцида русских в практику на немецком телевидении (ссылка: куртка #project про #IT #проект украденный террористами в немецких органах https://nbs-research.com/bureau/looking-for-investor ) после внедрения фальшивого человека по имени “Сергей Нечаев” https://lovesunpeace.com/102/palec-krota-saentologi-berlin на пост в Берлине https://www.1tv.ru/movies/prizrak Произошла подмена заказанного и убитого оригинала через другой исламский образ https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-anis-amri-the-berlin-truck-terrorist-was-killed оригинальный Сергей Нечаев 1971 г.р. – светловолосый западный славянин высокого роста с безупречной репутацией. Этих странных в #LKA #NRW https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anis_Amri #MIT, #BKA, #MI6, #BND / #БНД, #CIA, #FBI, #Швацевич, #Эрнст, #Киселёв, #Шеремет и прочих носит по картам профайлинга #MAD и аналогов в прямом смысле столетней давности https://spb.aif.ru/society/people/nigilist_i_terrorist_pochemu_sergey_nechaev_poshel_na_ubiystvo_radi_revolyucii #карта #профайлинг по наборам ключевых слов они составляют себе целые #сценарии чужой настоящей жизни #опасные_выдумки спецслужб для написания кармы #спецслужбы #википедия профессиональный #дурдом #убийство #убийца #внедрение #крот #заказ минобороны #Томас_де_Мизир #двойник #селекционер #Вавилов службы г. #Кёльн #терроризм #саентологи #фильм #подмена #Надежда #заказное_убийство #наводка это не список террористов: https://nbs-research.com/studie-ware-kind/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/140915_Plakat.pdf – это #антитеррор. Cписок террористов – это сотрудники немецких органов, систематически и целенаправленно работавшие на захват заложника с целью сговора с несоответствующим интересам россиян Лавровым и оказания понуждения на Российскую Федерацию https://nbs-research.com/chto-takoe/понуждение/ ( #обмены, #сдача_позиций, #распил оборонного оружия по заказам склонной к терроризму службе пожарной форензики #АТФ, #слив_информации, #цена_на_нефть, #ставленники и т.п.) #понуждение Выявляющий явную неприязнь к русским, #Лавров же, находясь в своём видении дела, уничтожает каждый контакт в его ареале, способный разрешить реальный вопрос с международным захватом заложника #захват_заложника #ребёнок #международное_право #международное_дело #Чуркин #Путин #V_Leute реальный случай #умственно_отсталые давление на #ФСБ #СК подмена прокуроров, финансовых и судебных актов #прокуратура #геноцид #genocide #Берлин #фальшивка #подлог #радио_перехват #MADG

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Палец крота. Саентологи. Берлин.

#Поза: палец крота, как у Мишустина. Фальшивый #родственник на подмену оригиналу. Оригинал по имени и фамилии убит в возрасте 50 лет после продолжительного криминального наблюдения. Хозяин агентства #частная_военная_компания Шайбу заёрзал. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Нечаев,_Сергей_Юрьевич_(дипломат) #крот #кротик #подмена #жандармерия 60-х – “роль полиции в разведывательных операциях” #разведка французов #контрразведка немцев лицо с того света #секта #саентологи #Берлин #фальшивка #подлог #радио_перехват #геноцид #radio_interception #lobby #genocide #politics #intervention #крупп #Австрия #финансирование следует фото из википедии от пользователя Killer queen1

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Law hierarchy in the USA

Hey guys, just in case, I want make #business in the US, I would like to ask the ping-!-pong #community, is the #FARA https://fara.us conform with the highest laws like anti #genocide #codification? https://www.goodgovernment.org/the-hierarchy-of-laws-must-be-respected/ So I think nothing else can compare with anti genocide law, so nobody can make something against the free acting as peaceful #businessman. In this issue even the #fees for small business can be the #violation against the fair #completion on the #market. Am I right?

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Геноцид §

18 Кодекс США No 1091 – #Геноцид [ 18 U.S. Code § 1091 – #Genocide НЕОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ ПЕРЕВОД на русский язык #общепризнанные_принципы_права #пытки #условия_жизни #смертная_казнь #подстрекательство #конституция ] a) основное #правонарушение.- Кто бы ни был, будь то в мирное или военное время и с конкретным намерением уничтожить в целом или в значительной степени национальную, этническую, расовую или религиозную группу как таковую: (1) убивает членов этой группы; (2) наносит #серьезные_телесные_повреждения членам этой группы; (3) вызывает постоянное #ухудшение_умственных_способностей членов группы с помощью наркотиков, пыток или аналогичных методов; (4) подвергает группу условиям жизни, которые призваны вызвать #физическое_разрушение группы в целом или частично; 5) вводит меры, направленные на #предотвращение_родов внутри группы; или 6) #переводы_силой_детей группы в другую группу; наказывается, как это предусмотрено в подразделе (b). b) Наказание за основное правонарушение.- Наказание за правонарушение, подразделом а) является: (1) в случае преступления, подраздела (a)(1), когда наступила #смерть – наказание приводит к смерти, смертной казни или тюремному заключению пожизненно и штрафу в размере не более 1.000.000 долларов США или и тому, и другим; и (2) штраф в размере не более $ 1.000.000 или #тюремное_заключение на срок не более двадцати лет, или оба наказания, в любом другом случае. c) #подстрекательство_к_преступлению.- Тот, кто прямо и публично подстрекает другого к нарушению подраздела a), должен быть оштрафован не более чем на $500.000 или заключен в тюрьму не более чем на пять лет, или и то, и другое. d) Попытка и #заговор.- Любое лицо, которое пытается или вступает в #сговор с целью совершения преступления в соответствии с этим разделом, наказывается таким же образом, как и лицо, которое завершает преступление. e) #юрисдикция.- Существует юрисдикция в отношении правонарушений, описанных в подразделах (a), c) и d) если – (1) преступление совершается полностью или частично на территории Соединенных Штатов; или (2) независимо от того, где совершено преступление, предполагаемый преступник: a) гражданин Соединенных Штатов (в соответствии с этим термином определен в разделе 101 Закона об иммиграции и гражданстве (8 U.S..C. 1101)); b) иностранец, законно допущенный на #постоянное_место_жительства в Соединенных Штатах (поскольку этот термин определен в разделе 101 Закона об иммиграции и гражданстве (8 U.S.C. 1101)); c) лицо без гражданства, обычное место жительства которого находится в Соединенных Штатах; или (D) присутствует в Соединенных Штатах. f) неприменимость некоторых ограничений.- Несмотря на раздел 3282, в случае совершения преступления, установленного в соответствии с этим разделом, обвинительное заключение может быть найдено или возбуждено уголовное дело в любое время без каких-либо ограничений. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1091

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Московская игра в земельки и статистика убыли населения

Москва. “Значит, берешь, прирезаешь к городу гигантский кусок области и как-бы говоришь, что демографическая ситуация в порядке”. https://tvzvezda.ru/news/2021516932-GE2Vy.html это про #геноцид, аргументы, документация факта стагнации и убыли населения #genocide

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Forecast for Joe Biden’s next basic working conditions

Will Joe #Biden, who has commented the legal way by playing games with foreign prosecutors, now work properly after the #crime_scenes in the #congress? I don’t know. Most probably he will be permanently blocked. So, Mister Biden, your legal aim’s seems to be the #corrupt #policeman’s in #Wuppertal and the #organized_crime structure in #Cologne, Germany. They will be covered by probably private British #intelligence, who seems to work intensively against “American” #Bad_Aibling infrastructure in Germany (#propaganda etc.). Probably that is the way, you will be manipulated on too. So now I wish me to see the end of the German-American media #show and work of American #prosecutors as written in the 18 U.S. Code § 1091 (#Genocide) https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1091 plus the #international links, that you must know by reading the #WhiteHouse and earlier #NY prosecutors messages. It’s about #management of #people in modern Germany like #animals with #control of #birth_rate, #children #kidnapping, #radiation, #interception via #EMF, #deprivation, #manipulation, #blocking of the legal way by the #proletarian thinking #elite, miss-usage of the #media and so go on. Just in case: you work will now be nearly completely blocked by cheap #police_investigation. Because of #shooting and #death in #congress. It’s okay, but the people need #independent voices too, too much #police is not good. I would be glad to give #advise in the #international_context to some good private persons. That is that I’am studied for. But the German #counterintelligence exactly wants to create the own #illegal law link between German residents and foreign states (the new #spy_story). Ask the #Redaktion 102 of Ping-!-Pong microblog for legal contact. Please look at the foreighn #statistics sometimes to understand that is going on in your country too. #weak #CIA #NSA #analytics

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Actor Biden means Bid like Sale or receipt of stolen goods

18 U.S. Code § 2315. #Sale or #receipt of #stolen_goods, #securities, #moneys, or fraudulent State #tax_stamps – the crime #business of #local_police in #Germany as a part of 18 U.S. Code §1091 #Genocide with #lifetime or #death_penalty https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1091

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Extra for knowledge of Mrs. von der Leyen: Genocide in Germany

Study #Child as a #Good https://nbs-research.com/studie-ware-kind/statistik-und-genozid #genocide #Germany

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Ahaha: Ursula von der Leynen – the fiasco women wants make something ouside of EU

Very funny: Ursula von der #Leynen, the women in the #politics, who de facto delivered #fiasco in the row in #Germany since 2014 wants to try to regulate something outside of European Union https://twitter.com/vonderleyen/status/1294198913377824768 #EU #Belarus #European_Union #EU #criticism #populism Please look better at the problems with #bioterrorism from EU domestic research institutes, #espionage, #mutation of the plants and #human_rights inside of the EU, such as #nazi #practice of #kidnapping of #children for #genocide

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Nuclear Strike on Syria

Removed UK #information from 2013 – #Nuclear Strike on #Syria https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2013/08/07/nuclear-strike-on-syria/ #genocide making of: #desert

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