#Signalwerk Wuppertal near of DB #logo ( #DB is standing for #German_Railways )
in #Wuppertal #Vohwinkel
and street cross #Vohwinkler Str. and #Yall_Allee, known in the #press as the #tunnel_entrance, now covered under #massive_metal_parts
has placed #spectral #flags,
looks like #LGBT #rainbow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT. #Signalwerk_Wuppertal #guys #lesbians #nuclear_materials #logistics #delivery #tunnel Near this #location is the #jail ( #JVA ) with #illegal_prisoners, #mine for #material #mining, #railway, #nuclear_transporters in the past via unsecured #delivery #cars with polish #registration_numbers, very #corrupt police co-workers and public prosecutors, who cares about no application (§ 13 StGB), except of own ideas. The road on the road cross is as shown broken because of small local “tectonic” activities. In the #forest stripes near #Wuppertal #Zoo and #highway are growing #mutated_plants. #mutation https://lovesunpeace.com/102/wuppertal-mutation-pflanzen https://lovesunpeace.com/102/wuppertal-city-veraenderte-pflanze-plant-mutation In #Hilden, the second next #town, is places the #MAD. Federal public prosecutor was involved in the #commitment_by_omitting in huge numbers of criminal cases on the side of #German_officials and is now the #suspected_person according the #international_law. So now is the time to make own #research on the #criminals in the #authorities and this – #very_strange_usage_of_the_flags – is one of the #keys to understand what is going on in #Europe. #procurement #radiation #health #terrorism #corruption #aggression #genocide #Germany #environment #crime #crimes #nuke Any well researched information is welcome in the #news #editorial_office! #redaktion #comics_news
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links collection https://lovesunpeace.com/102/tunnel-explosives-procurement https://lovesunpeace.com/102/v-germanii-stroyat-tunnel-v-napravlenii-k-krupneyshemu-v-evrope-radaru https://lovesunpeace.com/102/explosives-vossbeck https://lovesunpeace.com/102/nsu-in-wuppertal-wer-haette-das-nicht-gedacht https://lovesunpeace.com/102/nsu-in-wuppertal-wer-haette-das-nicht-gedacht
normal radiation near some tv antenna https://lovesunpeace.com/102/wuppertal-messwert-radioaktivitaet#comment-19 and too high radiation in the city https://lovesunpeace.com/102/wuppertal-messwert-radioaktivitaet-4#comment-22 Somebody want slowly kill the people in Wuppertal. No chance to get law protection by authorities. The city seems to be the location for different war tests https://lovesunpeace.com/102/wuppertal-messwert-radioaktivitaet-5#comment-16