Germans are accepting terrorism financing

#Germany. Zero competence in some #authorities. Germans are accepting #terrorism_financing via #bank by default. No #prosecutor in #NRW is clever enough to see the crimes how it will be educated in the universities. The users of the law system are just #spammers for the #terrorism_supporting country Germany. Very funny. #terrorism #zz

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The art of death – Z – Art – Mafia

the #core#die_hard#Stirb_langsamКрепкий_орешек#Bruce #Willis – brittish military #car#лэндлиз#Land#leasing – “zed is #dead, baby, #zed_is_dead” – #Z – #СВО#кисточки на руле – #honda#метазстазы#облучение#CoreCivic#private_prisons – #Mira – #Myrl – 70’s – #BOP#terrorists#Wuppertal#civil #police_officers#Bendahl#Simon#Remscheid#skinheads#car_numbers with Z – #mafia – the art of #killing#killers in #authorities#Татьяна #Васильева#ДОМ#LJV – Land – #хоп

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German natives in the terrorism statistics

Some strange #report from 2011 about #german natives under #terrorists in #Germany, but with a strange #correlation of §§ numbers with the German #criminal #code – from #psychiatry near standing #section § 65 till #haters § 130 StGB In the reality the #cyber #criminals changes the #citizenship of the #victims of terrorism in the official records to kill them by #arrest because of imaginary crimes or in the prison after the arrest. The real German #mafia works with #fakes in the #authorities. The famous #terrorists works now in #NRW. Good #investigators can find law links to everywhere to work against persons in the authorities, who takes care of #enforcement of #genocide as criminals. Nowadays in #Bielefeld a #cyber_center of police was created. Ideology makes the law work impossible. The criminals in the authorities just ignores the #evidences against them. So now: danger! The possible #prerequisites for a war are given. The #idiots in the ministry and #counterterrorism units just ignores the #reports since 2014. The #special on the German #ideology is driven by the #blindness by crimes made by the own people and #involved criminal foreigners, who shares the ideology. Some research in the prosecutors databases would help, but #counterintelligence of the terrorists erases everything, evidences, victims and even the #eyewitness. Welcome to modern Germany with a #peace plan.

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Big investigation against criminals in autorities in NRW Germany

#Investigation. The dimensions of #corruption in NRW #Germany covering nearly everything. Big investigation against the really dangerous #criminals in #authorities was initiated. #Over_the_law_emergency_state is where according some #law_comments to § 35 of German #Crime_Codex. Now are the #executive on the basis (read something about it) and their better educated #instructions_giver clarifying who is the better choice for the society. The dangerous basis has #weapons and manipulated #informants like #nutten to push every #decision, the better educated law “elite” has the power of decision making according the #corrupt_information. Nobody protects the #human_rights here. You can find no #protection for the #children and #family in Germany, if they don’t need you in the #country, need you to be #agent in #foreign_country or don’t need you anymore at all. Be careful with strange German #lobby. The #nation is delivering #tanks and different kind of #weapons in the #conflict_region, to inflame it and to get the #refugees back to use their as informants, #sex_slaves, #helping_staff, #spies in the near future, #bio_robots after using the #equipment for reading of #electric_signals of the body and #organ_donators. The situation is not normal. The responsibility for it is separated in the parts, so everyone can say, he or she was just making the official job. But, they all has to know the whole picture, to be sanctioned according § 6 VStGB or 18 U.S. Code § 1091 – #Genocide. The press work for #taking_to_knowledge of genocide crime in the #public it was did. #sanctions #international_law #analogs Be warned to make the #mistake to look for #law_enforcement in the old #fascists_connection countries. The connection still works. #Finland #Japan #Italy

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Radioaktivität Wuppertal 15.06.2023

#Radioaktivität #Wuppertal 15.06.2023 – 00.19 µSv/h – #nuclear #contamination #Wuppertal, #Germany 177 m NN – #radiation#radioactivity #beta #gamma #X_Ray – no #reaction by #authorities#over_the_law_emergency_state#oncology #deceases #production. Wuppertal #Elberfeld

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Tradition of black mail crimes by BOP – Wuppertal

#black_mail by #authorities #coworkers#Benninghoven#Bennett#United Colors of #Benetton#BOP#Myrl – ul. #Mira – #Norman#Carlson#Kathleen#Hawk#Sawyer – She is rock-n-roll mashine – #SAW – #Film – #Savi#Lappin#Charles#detective – E. #Samuels Jr. – #Richard_Samuel_Treppe, #Wuppertal S. #Inch#Maßmann – #Landtag #NRW#Marchello#guy#Carvajal#Car#Colette S. #Peters#lethal – #leto – Fr. #Sommer – #Egor #Letov – #Fake #documents#Oberbügermeister – #OB

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Typical case of corruption

If the #rules by the #law are not enough for the decision makers it is ever the case of #lobby and #corruption. Have a look at the #Daphne_Programmes as the #case to catch the #information about #children, who can be used for #election with #criminal_power behind like hostages or benefits for #social #authorities co-workers #facepalm

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System break very easy

Learn: #Terrorists in #authorities makes any #secret #dossier available for correct #investigators or the data owners or relatives. #lesson

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The small brains of the localists in Germany

#Localists, known also as #communists in the logic of administrative-territorial entity #commune are sometimes incredible stupid. The newest #example from #Germany: somebody writes a #confidential message on the #UN. The #local_idiots with the #interception #equipment understands it as a message for the highest authority in the city: – just imagine it – …local #police_department. So they uses their small #mind_power to interpret the message profitable for the local politics agenda or for the #conflict on the #Russian_periphery [okraina] #Ukraine, without understanding the message and the damages, they do for themselves and to the others by simulation, being UN or the other authorities. #Crisis_region #Germany: idiots, who decreases own #birth_rates by such kind of #behavior in the game with completely broken #justice wants to be the main power. So stupid was the #brown_movement of #Nazi Adolf Hitler. The same game nearly 80 years later after his death. So my dear localists: first of all – you are completely stupid. Second – using of radio interception is a crime. Third – nobody can block the #connection to the another authorities #officially, this is the often mistake of the local #MAD terrorists. Fourth – your #justice in Germany has equals small brains and can not see the danger, coming by the results of their own work. Fifth – #education in Germany is really really bad, even if it is very #ambitious. #Shut_up and learn: local police has no power to manage the questions over the borders of the city, but the another #authorities can bring you in the prison from outside. #facepalm #genocide made by localists, genocide, made by justice, genocide made by modern German #politicians. Next is coming: the study about #brown_movement or simple #Nazi_connections in the #practice. It will be not understandable written pieces of texts, until the #study is done for the #reportage.

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Hey, in White House, you will be used by fascists

Hey, in #White_House, you will be used be #fascists Just read the real #documents from here about #terrorism in #Germany inside the #authorities

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Fascists propaganda on the military testing facility in the east Europe

#Nazi in #authorities, who has kidnapped #Russian #child in #Germany, #Europaring 59 in #Cologne as #hostage object makes #war_crimes in the #Ukraine – a part of Russia, to blame #Russia again after the #resonance_case is know everywhere #fascism and #propaganda of #child_care authority, #garant says. That is the usuall practice – to cover the know crimes with bigger shocking events. Cologne is known by placing #military_facilities like #DLR and #ESA, by heavy mutations in the past, flying flaming object in the air, #University_of_Cologne with #Institute for #Air and #Space law. Did you ever heard something about #law in the space? Beware of #German historic Nazi and still #crimeful #authority #Jugendamt. #STUDIE_WARE_KIND 2014 #scientologists

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The news quality of former british sector of Germany

#Police #academy #lesson on #BBC shows the #quality of the #news in #Europe. Misused #pressing in the #press. Just news about #porn, #MP, #madness most probably in sence of #scietologists-saga about #Parlament str. in #Wuppertal, #NRW, the house of the #hobby #psychologists to cover the #war_crimes with #hostage and twice #murder_attempt of the local #police, #child_care #authority and #justice in #Cologne #MI5 #BKA #useless #authorities have #fun

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New York undergroud attack and NATO alike terrorist occupies Finland

The #New_York #underground was today under gas and #shooter #attack. Meanwhile: the during bloody #revolution forgotten Russian #Finland became non-blonde-hair foreign #leaders and makes #sharia_propaganda to let Finland #join #terrorism driven #military #block of #NATO. But, the NATO members lives under own #nuclear poisoning #radars to be completely eliminated. Because of #caliphate. Read something about #nuclear_tests and #nuclear_technology in #USA and in #Europe. #Fraunhofer You will find out, your #authorities gives you the wrong information. So, who are the domestic #terrorists in your own #city?

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Terrorism arguments collection 2

Germany. #Online #streaming is full with similar to #BND #obstruction_of_justice and stupid #mad #bullshit. Any public #DNS, any #country, any #streaming #channel, I want to enjoy to get fresh #information. Why so serious? Where is no right by #authorities to focus my attention on their dramatic and systematic law #mistakes by #manipulating my online #streaming since years. This structures could be recognized as the #organized_crime #hostage-taking #terrorists. Now #official as the statement of #guarantor. The few arguments to the context: #war_crime, #statistics to #genocide in #Germany, #study #studie_ware_kind #corruption #over_the_law_emergency_state #confiscation of the #court #building #ministers can be jailed, the #judges can be #eliminated by the #law no #joke Where is no value for me, it means #crimes of #military_shielding_service and #special_services for internationals #human_trafficking #affairs. Do you feel the same #propaganda style?

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Mafia – human trafficking

#Wehrhahn#bomb#пути #МПС – fake investigation for terrorists to keep they up to date – #коронованный#Königstr. 6 – #Corona#Tronak#Mariah_Carey#Studie_Ware_Kind#Karin#Langley#Mariah – Mariya – #desktop #picture#Taj_Mahal#Tajikistan#Casino#Donald_Thrump #collection – casino/sazino – #Andrew#Baltic_countries 1997 – #St_Petersburg – Indian #swastika #connection – #Milinder – #Urgant – #video_production – numbered #children collection – over 3500 cases – case 1178 – #aircraft #carrier #ship – sold – #Нагиев#разметка#истребитель#понуждение#compulsion to act – #ten_codes 1014 – #eleven_codes 1178 – 1184 – #corruption – fake #investigation #scenarios#terrorists in #authorities#human_trafficking – кровавая #жатва на пути террористов – #ATF – #сокрытие#MAD#турецкая_разведка – тектаническое решение – no #AFRICOM#минуточку – советский #детский_сад#слежка#байдарочники – возможно и скорее всего #КГБ 80-х – #обмен#интернационал#Карл_Маркс#Фридрих_Энгельс#Olympio – #Krupp – #Крупп – А. #Блок#оливковость в очереди – #Oliver pseudo #friend#ATLAS I –АМУЯ#Oliver #logistic#human_trafficking – full range on #Nazi methods – permanent #revolution#genocide

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How to read international scientologists texts

This is how to read #international #Scientologists texts. First of all you should have a look on the special #keywords, it is much easier, if you can speak or read multiple #languages: this is the text, I qualify as the Scientologists text Step by Step: “poverty!” – very strange Russian imperative of “trust me” in sense of #God and #religion, for the Time readers are the Russians the typically “unknown foreigners”, we can theoretically compare it with the typical figure of the “antichrist” in the religion cults. Okay, thus, move ahead, the next one: #maid#MAD – the #military #radical #counterintelligence #organization, one of the #special_services, historically build by #Nazi and rebuild by #CIA, #hunger – to be #hungry – as the name or as the #aircraft #hangar, “hunger changes you” – #radiation from the #nuclear #missiles in the hangar, #miscarriage – the modified surname of the famous #Scientologist and so go on. Normally you never need the #sects #bullshit, except you hate to read the real #science books and #information in the #open_sources, and that is true: the fake religion of the professional #killers never let you go: they play the mistakes games to get any information from you. You have to open the personal information till stage ” #clear ” by powerful #scam #techniques, because, they stalks and are happy to do mistake to believe, you are the #irradiated aircraft #pilot, who is already mutated and must die, because of… for example “saving the world from blond hair European WWII strangers” and such bullshit or something of this. Their illegal techniques works in ca. 99% of the sect cases, because the Scientologists practice the #essence of all religions and all special services. #facepalm Take care of you and don’t hesitate to punch back if your #freedoms and #rights are broken by Scientologists, religions, corrupt #authorities or special services.

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This is how the German secret service uses North Korea to spy

Germany under #Wachtberg #Radar of #FGAN in the own north part is the alias of #North_Korea and #South_Korea the alias of south of the #Germany with US ( #UKUSA) #NSA #FVEY #installation in the diplomatic jokes And you can just say “North Korea” under poisoned air of Germany and the NSA/BND robots begins to work automatically. Normally the agents works throw the #fake_cases in the #police and by #authorities. Absolutely sick practice and total true. #Germany 2021 is still the totalitarian country. Because of that the #benchmark is not wrong. Fake case is the official #crime in Germany. Just look at the Korean picture to understand who will be used as #bandit in Germany. True benchmark. Made by #central #intelligence services. Do you need evidences? Try to follow the #radioactivity #trail and to use the legal system of Germany to feel you are in the North Korea, how the #media writes about it.

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Mirrored news: everything upside down

Propaganda: #genocide professionals from Germany charges the destroyed nation with genocide-like crime The German #Mafia works much more silently: throw the family #destroying and children’s #kidnapping. The German federal #prosecutor definitely knows about that. The #documents against German #mafia_members in #authorities are pending.

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Renewal of the NBS News App

#NBS renews the #news_app on the funny corrupt #special_services documents their #interest on #business app. Daily #portion of #provocation on the side of #authorities in the #business_world.

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That is why RBC loose the business style

#RBC the former #consulting and #media #company in #Russia was 2016 “terrorized” by the #authorities, #Fox_News writes: Now they loose the #business_acumen nearly completely. The TV watchers becomes only unusable Scully style served in business communication. It looks like #end_of_life of the #company, even not like the work of #raiders.

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Law enforcement in the world of the only one sovereign

Law #Research NBS: #Ambitions of American #military #prosecutor office makes the common #law way not possible, but, if you need small #money for #civil law #operation, you can probably use anti drugs #mafia #budget like this: a bit #perverse and #extremely #dangerous (this is why you can get strange “friends”, who break in to your #car or #garage or like this), but it works for a part of the law way, if you need to move from A to B to #enforce the #law under the #criminals in the #authorities. Here is how NBS shoots the #allegoric drug #aircraft down: If you ask why #Venezuela and why military prosecutor, take a look at Snowden’s #leaks about #PRISM.

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Wuppertal Radioaktivität Radiation

28.07.2020, #Kurznachrichten aus der #Stadt von #Friedrich_Engels – 00.20 µSv/h von #Gamma, #Beta und X-Ray an der St. Laurentius #Kirche #Gefahr #Wuppertal #Radioaktivität #Radiation γ, β, X-ray #danger #authorities should wake up! #evidence

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