Американская мечта и американские финансы

#Американская_мечта и американские #финансы https://tvzvezda.ru/news/2023817336-HRYo7.html от профессионального американского управленца, только что избавленного от американского бизнесмена – оппонента в предвыборной гонке. #выборы Приколоться или нет? – Да здравствует #плановая_экономика для США! Даёшь #социализм, #коммунизм, перестройку на Гавайских островах! https://www.belta.by/world/view/ognennyj-ad-na-rajskom-ostrove-chto-proishodit-na-gavajjah-i-gde-bajden-582925-2023/ #Бюрократия #административный_ресурс #трибуна #fun #настроение мистера #Байден – то, что надо американцам! – А что, так можно было? Подборка про оппонента – носителя симпатий всех, верящих в американскую мечту, #недвижимость, #кашемировое_пальто, актёров и #фильмы_для_детей. https://lovesunpeace.com/102/?s=Трамп #фильм

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Multi-Trash. Free leading soldiers and gas in Sweden

Multi #Trash. “Free leading #soldiers and gas in #Swedenhttps://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-62458-7_1 #old war scientific scenarios remake #lol #Nichitailo documento #fun #mobile_phone #producer #Eriksson #air #specialists

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Scientific ping pong ball in some energy equipment, lol

#Fun over fun. Scientific #ping_pong #ball in some #energy_equipment, lol https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/fusion-breakthrough-net-energy-gain-rcna61326 #NBC

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Mad and Stoned wie Beavis and Butthead

In der #Stadt der berauschten #Bullen vor 5 Jahren… Jungs in einem nicht einfarbigen #Fahrzeug kommen an und malen eine #Skizze mit verwechselten #Himmelsrichtungen und #Gaunerzinken. #Heroismus stammt vom Wort #Heroin ab. https://static1.colliderimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/beavis-and-butthead-feature-social.jpg #Steuergelder #fun #mad #stoned #Beavis and #Butthead

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Wuppertalization is…

#Windeck https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windeck#/media/Datei:DEU_Windeck_COA.svg #Wuppertal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuppertal#/media/File:DEU_Wuppertal_COA.svg #linguistic #contamination of #virtualization and #Roland #Steber #It_Services https://www.dnb.com/business-directory/company-profiles.roland_steber.b32a4e9eeae87a098e2a02bdaa41da10.html #fun #daten #datteln #feld #Guantánamo #JA #BVB #Paul #Panzer

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Столтенберг хочет получить по лицу

#Вмешательство в чужие дела нв таком уровне должно наказываться мгновенно. “Предлагаю поработать над этим, товарищи!” #солдатский_юмор #fun #боевые_наркотики #лезет_на_рожон #разыскиваемый #Столтенберг https://news.mail.ru/politics/53193946/

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As Honest Tea sounded like honesty, Just Ice is meant to look like justice.

Making something cold: #Words #games round about #Honest #Tea https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2022/09/06/honest-tea-discontinued/ As #Honest_Tea sounded like #honesty, #Just_Ice is meant to look like #justice. #Professional #Coldman’s #story: #fun about #scam you have to fight by making #marketing #interviews and more… #the_Washington_post #Washington

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Reearch on reason of aggressive behavior of EU

New #sanctions against #Russia. No #reason to do that so. What is behind? The #Baltic #countries initialized the new sanctions against Russia in sense of #traveling #restrictions. Who can be the #beneficiaries? Let’s see, may be they just want to sale more #sex services and do more for #human_trafficking to infiltrate the #agents to #Russia through blocking the access to #EU, except of #marriage possibilities; doing #dependencies on the humans level also, the known #tactics of sugar-agents from the earlier years. This political #lobby of #port and #beach #prostitutes and their owners is an act of #organized_crime. Just for example:open information for #research https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_Estonia Facing to that problem nobody think about #reproduction of the under #genocide standing population. The funny #special_services want play the game till nobody is where. #infiltration #Baltic_countries #fun and #crime #manipulation #international_relationships

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Market overview. The next global trends.

Need for #market overview. Global and European #trends for the next 5, 10, 25 years: #Food, #Energy #Machinery, #Technology, #Services, major #Goods. Format: Short written #experts interviews, major numbers, #retrospective #analysis for 5 years, status now and #forecast for the future without details. #Drivers like #regulation and #breaks like #war_crimes. Everything in one #message. Please only #serious data. If you are ready with free or payable information, please place the link below. Notice: Please no #counterintelligence #disinformation with some #imaginations according to anniversary of the #birth or #death of some #hero that they want to make #fun of.

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Police case. Shooting in Philadelphia

#Chattanooga #club #shootings https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/2022/06/05/philadelphia-shooting-south-street-police/7521384001/ #Scientologists and #police seems to have #fun: #photo_shooting #Esperanto #chat #leg #tattoo No #respect for such #information_management

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The news quality of former british sector of Germany

#Police #academy #lesson on #BBC shows the #quality of the #news in #Europe. Misused #pressing in the #press. Just news about #porn, #MP, #madness most probably in sence of #scietologists-saga about #Parlament str. in #Wuppertal, #NRW, the house of the #hobby #psychologists to cover the #war_crimes with #hostage and twice #murder_attempt of the local #police, #child_care #authority and #justice in #Cologne https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-61284686 #MI5 #BKA #useless #authorities have #fun

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Declassification now. Foundation of the comics espionage company 01.04.

#Foundation of the #espionage declassification #company to rock the #comedians. Working title #BÄÄNDÄ 01.04.2022 Just mark the comics events with #bäändä Nothing #special. Just #declassification. #Fun #April

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Fantomas – Cologne

#Thomas#Reisekatalog#Fun – #Professor – “Fun ist etwas für die Jungen” – “Proffesor will auch Fun” – #Slawistik – “the #girls, they wanna have fun” – #Fantomas – #biostructures – “aller Anfang ist wichtig” – #Allah Anfang ist wichtig – #araber hat Interesse – #Biochemie#Schach#Checkmate#шахматы#дело_врачей#Alumni – #Tornado – #VPN#захват заложников по-немецки – #Ufer und #Prediger#coast_guard and #Malteser_Orden#заложник – воздушное и #космическое_право#авиабезопасность#ABC_weapons#авианосец#вербовка#окровись#кровосток группа – #электрики#лэптоп#эмиссия#induzierte_Erkrankung#кража_индентичности – списание незавербованного человека – #подмена – город – #шрам – Fritz #Schramma#Dezernat IV – #Hamerski & Co. – [ Ottmar-Pohl-Platz ] – #atommar Pol. Platz – #atomic pol place – #Cologne#Colonia – 1147 #Aue de cologne – in der Aue – #одеколон#колония#ИТК#дПтС#торговля_людьми#легендирование – публичные сказки про родных дедушек и бабушек – #ашан #родной – охотники за документами – #сейф#safe – полицейские киллеры – #killer#Келин#Keller#Stephan#scientologists

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Наша марка – какао – заложник

“Тук-тук, кто в теремочке живёт?” – #оборотни и #суки – #Марина – #Marine#дама_с_поленом#twin_peaks#CIAo_cacao#cacao – Наша #марка#Nash#Маркин#Марков#тачки#дПтС#Скабеева#СК#Бастрыкин#типаж – у кого #заложникhttps://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Бастрыкин,_Александр_Иванович#/media/Файл:Karataev_O.G,Bastrykin_A.I.jpg#Ракова#цэрэу#Дюссельдорф#Пушкин#АТФ#памятник#DEA#papashttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/the-mamas-andamp-the-papas-california-dreamin-september-24-1967-on-the-ed-sullivan-show#cocainehttps://nbs-research.com/was-ist/kokain/#ингуш#лунь#флот#John#Женя#acidhttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/pneumonia-acid-invasion#coast_guard#Костя#lions#Львов#товаровед#торговля_людьми#edie#addicted#Эдик – DEA – #funhttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/the-cult-edie-ciao-baby#UN#terrorists are in #UNUS too – 90-s #police#ten_codes#weapons#АТФ#dilettantism#banana#Charlatans – coverage of #lobby  – #понуждение

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You didn’t say the magic word!

Have #fun with the #link to small #video about saying the #magic_word. https://ping.ooo.pink/lichat.wf the #magic words here could be #imprint and #GDPR

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Влияние фильма на поведение людей

#Фильм #Фантомас #fun #Thomas #фантом #культ #поведение https://pulse.mail.ru/article/5-dikih-faktov-o-tom-kak-fantomas-prevratil-sovetskih-lyudej-v-prestupnikov-7305450441716354131-5222261043366139330/

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Team Roth88

Right wing German freaky hobby #prosecutor #Roth88 on the special way to disposal procedure http://babr24.com/?IDE=213872 #fun

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Jokes of or about Foreign Affairs Office https://fam.state.gov

Delivered by YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBrJ_kCg4rw | Do you remember #Bush #Merkel #shoulder #massage ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVvrNJHiuj8 #CUSTOMER_TREATMENT #fast_search shows that: https://fam.state.gov/fam/03fam/03fam1330.html the #superbook of Foreign Affairs Office (FA) https://fam.state.gov in or without #cooperation with #Finanzamt #Wuppertal and #Police Wuppertal | #Scientologists call this repetitive nature of #trolling #pacing_and_leading | I call it just #monkey_behavior | it’s just the style of #fun but you can learn to #sale more and more #sale_more That technique actually can not be used by state agencies – the state steals on that way the market shares by private economy, my dear kids in the dept., info just for fun, of course. #law_breaking #state

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ТОП: Детские заблуждения!

https://nbs-research.com/novosti/ru/?s=Детские+заблуждения #смешно #забавно #юмор #дети #взрослые #фантазии #недопонимание #эмоции #fun #Детские_заблуждения

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My next ex girlfriend defintly lol

black #shopping with a lot of #fun nice and still sexy at the time of #corona https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/fmg9na/this_lady_is_out_getting_supplies/

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Funny Girl at home

#fun #girl #cat #disco #music #iron #stream https://www.reddit.com/r/StartledCats/comments/fmge0p/im_losing_it/

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