ABC-News. Analysis of violent behavior of police officers

#Video from the police #body_cams, filmed during a clear try to kill the suspected #person #psychologists and the #press are at work. Recommended #literature about the #violent_behavior of the groups, who do not have the prior #intention to be #violent: #Stanford_Prison_Experiment But here it seems to be the clear case on the initial intention to kill the suspect.

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Switzerland’s roads are not suitable for over speeding

#Switzerland’s roads are not suitable for #over_speeding, and yes, may be in some cases it is the case for #medicals or #psychologists #PSY

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Hurricane Ian

#Hurricane #Ian #Psychologists: why must the #rock_music be associated with such kind of #destroying? Scorpions – Here I am, rock you you like a hurricane

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Research on corruption under police co-workers in Germany

#Research on #corruption under #police co-workers in #Germany. Aim: #evaluation of the corruption #methods in #German_police. #Method on #victim side: being a usual non representative #person, asking the real #legal_questions in the #local_police #department. #Feedback from the #corrupt co-workers: no direct answers, #commit_by_omission, #false_suspicions to have illegal #weapons, #stalking by police itself, probably payed neighbors and #agents, #studying the #time_plan of the victim, #pressing method by the #illegal_blocking of the access to the news and #commercial_information, producing of the #fake_news as #Donald_Trump it loves to say, #blocking of the possibility to make #business online and offline, #burglary from the police co-workers to get #documents and #values of the victim for the private use of corrupt police co-workers, new false suspicions for the next burglary on the paper, calling for help by local #corrupt_medicals like #psychologists from the #city, placing of “the gifts” near registration place, what can be used as #сircumstantials by false #suspicion (creation of the #wrong_evidences also), a lot of #incorrect_papers work to #legitimate own crime episodes. #Wuppertal, #Germany. Free #Research on the visible layer of the #war_crimes in #Germany was made (c) 2017-2022 by #NBS #genocide #episodes #guarantor #research_results Right to use the results of the research: By using of this information online, you have to set a #backlink to the source.

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Just save this video to see what will happens in the future

Just save this #video to see what will happens in the #future Most probably we will see the stories with another #doppelganger in the real British #newspapers as realistic looking #cancer #patients, if their #voodoo #puppets in the politics are ready to go. #Case: former female politics figure. #sects #public_life #hospice #Maria_Magdalena #trolling #perverse #medicals #jokes #military_order #psy #psychologists #mental sick #press #students #farce missing #protection for social weak layers of society

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The news quality of former british sector of Germany

#Police #academy #lesson on #BBC shows the #quality of the #news in #Europe. Misused #pressing in the #press. Just news about #porn, #MP, #madness most probably in sence of #scietologists-saga about #Parlament str. in #Wuppertal, #NRW, the house of the #hobby #psychologists to cover the #war_crimes with #hostage and twice #murder_attempt of the local #police, #child_care #authority and #justice in #Cologne #MI5 #BKA #useless #authorities have #fun

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Intelligence and decision makers market overview 03.2022

2022. It looks like #agony of old European #elites. During the #international #troops are #bombing #Ukraine in #TV under false flag, the Russian channels are blocked, German #WELT shows live the #military #preparation as in the #reality_show, as it would be an show #event instead of people, who normally looks exactly like you, on the mass media is everything about #mental_patients. The news from #BBC – just the #bullshit #story_talking, with deeper pseudo #psychologists #intonations in the #voice. Do you know #MI6? No #problem_solving, never, nowhere. Just the ability to fine talking without taking #responsibility for any #situation. That works by the #Mi-people are the #brokers or #bookmakers, who makes #money against the #trends. You see it: everyone thinks, it s fine now, in that time comes some unexpected #decision, that makes nothing possible. So for example, Mr. #Putin could make it much, much softer in the #Ukraine, but we have what we have. And that is definitely not the style, what the Russians would expect from him. It means most probably the real work will be done under wrong #flag: some European #cities are empty now. Why? Probably, a lot of drugs is on the #intelligence #market now. In #France too. Look at that #junkie #giant #girl picture: Moldova wants joint the EU. There is nothing, what stands near to the life quality in the developed #EU_countries, the #goals of the old known rules to join the EU can not be achieved by #Moldova under normal circumstances. But: a lot of #drugs on the #decision_makers #market now. The #France is the one decision makers subject and receives the #application from Moldova. Do you remember french #Qaddafi story and what is happened later with his well organized country? The old financial model for EU with a strict #GDP-growing-rule does not work since years, but hey, a lot on the drugs is on the market now: they just push the buttons, wants to make #economic_expansion (if you know, that it means) without to think about how and who the hell will make #money for the #investors in that old financial system. The #economics growing on #deaths is a #stupid #solution, so it the #opinion, just in case you are under drugs too. So people, cool down. Stay clean. Ask your #doctor for a good #clinic. But please check before, if he is not the junkie too. #News

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Crime connection DIEter

#Dieter_Romann, der Mann außerhalb seiner #Eisenbahn #Kompetenzen in #Wikipedia My personal associative array: #Düsseldorf#Wehrhahn#TNT#bomb#Bombay – #TV #NTV #TNT – #Milinder Haus – #swastika #connection#Lange#Langley#CIA#Auslauf für seine #Infanterie what makes no sense – #Nazi – very specific #relationship to #arab people – verdeckt und unverdeckt – #covering by #psychologists#federal_police in #Germany itself – #highest_terrorism_potential#cologne #dome #Silvester chaos – #Maiziere – top #espionage competence – no #investigation #competence#BKA – all the tricks of SAS / MI6 – #recruiting#home_office#affairs#recon – work instead of local police sometimes – probably the coordination center for questions from abroad – permanently fake investigation ways – no results – #provocations#V_people

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