Schutzstaffel (SS) betreiben Propaganda

#BMI-Parodie: Besser #Schutz wird durch #Schutzstaffel (?) gefordert: Mit den richtigen, besser gesagt nicht falschen #Reden, wird etwas in die #Welt gesetzt, was nicht erforderlich ist. #SÜG-Änderungen. Niemand darf niemanden überprüfen, wenn es keinen Anlass dazu gibt. Vielmehr sollte die #Polizei besser und rechtzeitig auf #Strafanträge gegen die evidenten #Sponageerscheinungen reagieren. Doch das tut die Polizei in #NRW nicht, denn sogennannte #Biologen und #Jailer betreiben deren eigenen #Akten, basierend auf #Fantasien, #Phishing und #Hass. Für dieses #Milieu ist eigen, sich an der #Uniform und #Symbole zu orientieren. Für Inhalt sind Vertreter dieser sektenartigen Fantasierollen absichtlich zu schwach. Auf der praktischen Ebene streben diese nach paramilitärischer Kontrolle uber #Menschen nach dem #Tierhaltungsprinzip. Am 4.04.2025 werden es 100 Jahre seit Gründung von #SS (Schutzstafel) durch #Hitler. Da wir uns im politischen 100-Jahre-Zyklus bewegen, ist die Entwicklung klar. Zu unterscheiden sind die falschen Entwicklungen durch Worte wie “unsere” Demokratie und appelllose, blanke mit nichts bewiesene Behauptungen wie “russische #Aggression”. Naive #Leser der #comics_news müssen informiert werden, dass der politische Theater keine echten Vertreter der Rollen enthält. Offizielle Vertreter von #Russen in Deutschland werden von #Schauspielern oder vermutlich von #MAD-Mitarbeitern gespielt. Fakt ist: an vielen #Kreuzungen in #Wuppertal, #Solingen mit guten #Schußpositionen sind Namen wie #Voss und deren Abwandlungen zu finden. In #Düsseldorf und #Solingen sind die Häuser für den #Kriesgfall farblich markiert: #Bomben fallen am besten am die roten oder rosa-farbenen Häuser, marineblaue bieten eine gute Schußpositionen, die grünen können entweder als #Munitionslager oder zu opferndes Geäude sein. Sie werden wahrschelich bald erschoßen oder können bei #Nazi-Umsturz nich mehr wegfahren, weil Kreuzungen und Autobahnen mit Schütt blockiert sind. In #Explosionsbereichen sind nach Nazi-Ansichten “minderwertige Menschen” angesiedelt wie #Behinderte und Ausländer, inklusive #Deutsche mit ausländischer Abstammung. #Erzählungen über besseren #Schutz und #Nutzung der sozialen #Netzwerke dafür ist #Bullshit für besseren #Jagd auf Menschen. Falls sie inzwischen ganz verblöded sind: #Jagd_auf_Menschen ist verboten. #Demokratie #Spionage #Sabotage #Nancy #city_marketing #vorbereitungen #regime #Deutschland #Nazi #Partei #Ministerium #V_Leute #falsche_Polizei #terror #terrorzelle #terroristische_Vereinigung #Schützer

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Kölsche Beamten Lieder über Türkei

Heute fährt die 18 bis nach #Istanbul, packe lecker #Kölsch and den #Liegestuhl, komm, wir fahren bis nach Istanbul! Nächste #Station: #Ankara Kölsche Beamten Lieder zur alles-erlaubt- #Karnival und #Fasching-Zeit #bullshit #fake #Innenministerium #terror #terrorist #military #Türkei #explosion #Brühl #Köln #Beamten #Behörden #Brühler_Straße #Köllner_Straße #Keupsraße!5322498/ #AH

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ТВ байки продолжаются

“На ножах.” Ехали как-то раз #ребята #энтузиасты с оборудованием в машине и стали к ним придираться трое на белой машине. #Хулиганы. Хулиганам по наложенному саунд треку самки вручили ножи и отправили в полицию, а в Ташкенте взорвался #аэропорт. По мотивам #enthusiasts #enthusiast #paramilitary #пара #байки #таможня #bullshit #customs #погоня #security #взрыв #нож типичное #цэрэу

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bullshit stories producers

my 9 zeros #business – #Irina – #Deutsche #Bank – § 611 BGB – § 27 BGB – 0000 – Dienstleistungsvertrag – Bestellung und Leitung durch Geschäftsführung – #Burkhard #Even#Ausländerjäger#bullshit stories #producers – [machu pikchu] –

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Bild-Zeit8tung: Sprit kostenlos, 20 Mio. Jobs, investiert in den Krieg

#Bullshit #Blatt #Bild-Zeit8tung heute: #Sprit #kostenlos, 20 Mio. #Arbeitsstellen, investiert in den #Krieg!” #Nazi #Spaß #Freaks

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Intelligence and decision makers market overview 03.2022

2022. It looks like #agony of old European #elites. During the #international #troops are #bombing #Ukraine in #TV under false flag, the Russian channels are blocked, German #WELT shows live the #military #preparation as in the #reality_show, as it would be an show #event instead of people, who normally looks exactly like you, on the mass media is everything about #mental_patients. The news from #BBC – just the #bullshit #story_talking, with deeper pseudo #psychologists #intonations in the #voice. Do you know #MI6? No #problem_solving, never, nowhere. Just the ability to fine talking without taking #responsibility for any #situation. That works by the #Mi-people are the #brokers or #bookmakers, who makes #money against the #trends. You see it: everyone thinks, it s fine now, in that time comes some unexpected #decision, that makes nothing possible. So for example, Mr. #Putin could make it much, much softer in the #Ukraine, but we have what we have. And that is definitely not the style, what the Russians would expect from him. It means most probably the real work will be done under wrong #flag: some European #cities are empty now. Why? Probably, a lot of drugs is on the #intelligence #market now. In #France too. Look at that #junkie #giant #girl picture: Moldova wants joint the EU. There is nothing, what stands near to the life quality in the developed #EU_countries, the #goals of the old known rules to join the EU can not be achieved by #Moldova under normal circumstances. But: a lot of #drugs on the #decision_makers #market now. The #France is the one decision makers subject and receives the #application from Moldova. Do you remember french #Qaddafi story and what is happened later with his well organized country? The old financial model for EU with a strict #GDP-growing-rule does not work since years, but hey, a lot on the drugs is on the market now: they just push the buttons, wants to make #economic_expansion (if you know, that it means) without to think about how and who the hell will make #money for the #investors in that old financial system. The #economics growing on #deaths is a #stupid #solution, so it the #opinion, just in case you are under drugs too. So people, cool down. Stay clean. Ask your #doctor for a good #clinic. But please check before, if he is not the junkie too. #News

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Just stoned and hang – One more akimat story

I can’t read it #seriously: the people tells some #PSY #mystery #story at #New_Yorker about #stonehenge with a #drugs #stoned looking guy over 80, who looks at a #stone #hang #Author has a #pseudonym like the #major in #Kazakhstan Akam / #Akim #facepalm #DEA I mean, it’s probably the #Borat#style of #young drugs and #police near standing #community, the real #communism today everywhere also. Have a look on hashtags: #NASA #buy #drugs #delivery #experts #drunken # corrupt #corruption #investigators #investigation #bullshit

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Terrorism arguments collection 2

Germany. #Online #streaming is full with similar to #BND #obstruction_of_justice and stupid #mad #bullshit. Any public #DNS, any #country, any #streaming #channel, I want to enjoy to get fresh #information. Why so serious? Where is no right by #authorities to focus my attention on their dramatic and systematic law #mistakes by #manipulating my online #streaming since years. This structures could be recognized as the #organized_crime #hostage-taking #terrorists. Now #official as the statement of #guarantor. The few arguments to the context: #war_crime, #statistics to #genocide in #Germany, #study #studie_ware_kind #corruption #over_the_law_emergency_state #confiscation of the #court #building #ministers can be jailed, the #judges can be #eliminated by the #law no #joke Where is no value for me, it means #crimes of #military_shielding_service and #special_services for internationals #human_trafficking #affairs. Do you feel the same #propaganda style?

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How to read international scientologists texts

This is how to read #international #Scientologists texts. First of all you should have a look on the special #keywords, it is much easier, if you can speak or read multiple #languages: this is the text, I qualify as the Scientologists text Step by Step: “poverty!” – very strange Russian imperative of “trust me” in sense of #God and #religion, for the Time readers are the Russians the typically “unknown foreigners”, we can theoretically compare it with the typical figure of the “antichrist” in the religion cults. Okay, thus, move ahead, the next one: #maid#MAD – the #military #radical #counterintelligence #organization, one of the #special_services, historically build by #Nazi and rebuild by #CIA, #hunger – to be #hungry – as the name or as the #aircraft #hangar, “hunger changes you” – #radiation from the #nuclear #missiles in the hangar, #miscarriage – the modified surname of the famous #Scientologist and so go on. Normally you never need the #sects #bullshit, except you hate to read the real #science books and #information in the #open_sources, and that is true: the fake religion of the professional #killers never let you go: they play the mistakes games to get any information from you. You have to open the personal information till stage ” #clear ” by powerful #scam #techniques, because, they stalks and are happy to do mistake to believe, you are the #irradiated aircraft #pilot, who is already mutated and must die, because of… for example “saving the world from blond hair European WWII strangers” and such bullshit or something of this. Their illegal techniques works in ca. 99% of the sect cases, because the Scientologists practice the #essence of all religions and all special services. #facepalm Take care of you and don’t hesitate to punch back if your #freedoms and #rights are broken by Scientologists, religions, corrupt #authorities or special services.

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Maria Gourieva

Maria Gourieva and #bullshit #ГУР #Berlin

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naše vesti 13.04.2021, 0900

По закону вымещения ненужной дез/информации отрыжка цэрэу: #Tank #peugeot dans la résidence des #Invalides avec des rochers и #буй. #Stalingrad #BRICKS. #turc_pizza et #Novossibirsk. #Junkies, #statistics etc. #Kids. Ping-!-Pong. #Start #chasse sur #u_boot. #Bullshit. #Black_operations. #Цитата: [#Blackwater #Clearwater #Тёмная_вода #NASh требуется #нацисты для #УПА #Реклама сектантской книжки с вулканом от двойника президента #вулкан #vulkanhalle #секта #Информационные_технологии: #термопаста и #RAM #races. #Шпионы#фанаты из города с подземельями, концлагерем и радиацией с комментраием лица молодого медвежатника в ядерном плащике Ханса Бликса. #концлагерь #подземелья #underground #radiation #радиация #медвежатник #mad #max #mad_max #ольха

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Бушующий турецкий наркотик и полицейские президенты

Бушующий #турецкий наркотик или как #президенты немецких полицейских президиумов в российскую медиа сферу лезут Никто в Германии не распространяется о личной жизни пресс-секретарей. #Личная_жизнь_чиновников интересует только вербовщиков. Взгляните на Пэрис #Хилтон и делайте #выводы сами. #bullshit Нелегальное #влияние на россиян.

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