study – white ideology – NSA – Bethel

#ideology #study#white – S.S. – – C/M/S – NSA –

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Childcare cases in the USA

#Childcare cases in the #USA #childcare_authority #adoption_agency alike #childcare_mafia #money #records #communication in #Europe: #STUDIE_WARE_KIND < #study #child_as_product in #Germany the children will be #stolen_for_sale, beaten by using the #law_way directly by #mafia near childcare authority. Where are nobody, who cares. The few #guarantors only. Even the press wants make money with this issue

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Pandemic affect and rate of births in a study

#Indicator: #Pandemic_affect and #rate_of_births in a #study #COVID #children

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The small brains of the localists in Germany

#Localists, known also as #communists in the logic of administrative-territorial entity #commune are sometimes incredible stupid. The newest #example from #Germany: somebody writes a #confidential message on the #UN. The #local_idiots with the #interception #equipment understands it as a message for the highest authority in the city: – just imagine it – …local #police_department. So they uses their small #mind_power to interpret the message profitable for the local politics agenda or for the #conflict on the #Russian_periphery [okraina] #Ukraine, without understanding the message and the damages, they do for themselves and to the others by simulation, being UN or the other authorities. #Crisis_region #Germany: idiots, who decreases own #birth_rates by such kind of #behavior in the game with completely broken #justice wants to be the main power. So stupid was the #brown_movement of #Nazi Adolf Hitler. The same game nearly 80 years later after his death. So my dear localists: first of all – you are completely stupid. Second – using of radio interception is a crime. Third – nobody can block the #connection to the another authorities #officially, this is the often mistake of the local #MAD terrorists. Fourth – your #justice in Germany has equals small brains and can not see the danger, coming by the results of their own work. Fifth – #education in Germany is really really bad, even if it is very #ambitious. #Shut_up and learn: local police has no power to manage the questions over the borders of the city, but the another #authorities can bring you in the prison from outside. #facepalm #genocide made by localists, genocide, made by justice, genocide made by modern German #politicians. Next is coming: the study about #brown_movement or simple #Nazi_connections in the #practice. It will be not understandable written pieces of texts, until the #study is done for the #reportage.

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30 years of preparations – агентура – фашизм

“he is just a #child, #Douglas” – – self #destruction #principle#BKA#explosives – making of #ground_zero#motive#coalition_building – fake #investigation to be up to date – #radio #interception building – #german_trade_in – #ATF – #АТФ#Birkenstr. – #bir#Birke#берёза#Березовский#НТВ#NTVi#Норд_Ост – захват заложников на #Дубровке#RTVi#Hürth – to #hurt somebody – #fascists#Eugenics#Bir#Eugen_Bleuler – right wing – #braun #politics – #Braun – #Jenn#Scientologist#Jenna #Miscavidge#жена#Jens#Jenny#Yevgeniy#Eugen – #Pavlo – #Pavel – #Pauls#армия Паульса – #Паульс – #Павлюченко – #Павличенко#Евгений – опять #евгеникаПавел #Воля#ВВ#TNT – #ТНТ – #дПтС#Украина#консульство#Irren#Шум – муШ – #муЖ#воронка – – #Russia #connectionНемецкий_дом #Севастополь – “я #немка” – #Taj_Mahal#заложник#fake #love_story – fake #civil_case#war_crime#study #studie_ware_kind#Übergesetzlicher_Notstand – ул. #Павлюченко – #Бюфет номер 9 – #kill – фильм “9 рота” – #БоНДарчук#БНД#разведка – fake #lover#energy #object #observer#БоНДаренко#Freddy #MADball – type – прогноз –

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Terrorism arguments collection 2

Germany. #Online #streaming is full with similar to #BND #obstruction_of_justice and stupid #mad #bullshit. Any public #DNS, any #country, any #streaming #channel, I want to enjoy to get fresh #information. Why so serious? Where is no right by #authorities to focus my attention on their dramatic and systematic law #mistakes by #manipulating my online #streaming since years. This structures could be recognized as the #organized_crime #hostage-taking #terrorists. Now #official as the statement of #guarantor. The few arguments to the context: #war_crime, #statistics to #genocide in #Germany, #study #studie_ware_kind #corruption #over_the_law_emergency_state #confiscation of the #court #building #ministers can be jailed, the #judges can be #eliminated by the #law no #joke Where is no value for me, it means #crimes of #military_shielding_service and #special_services for internationals #human_trafficking #affairs. Do you feel the same #propaganda style?

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