
#Schadensersatz #Megatonen von #Information in einem kurzen #Artikel für den allgemeinen #Überblick über Schadesnsersatz. Logischerweise muss der #Schaden erstmal entstanden sein, kausal adäquat der Handlungen oder Unterlassung der Verursacher zuordnerbar sein ( #Völkermord, #genocide z.B.) usw.

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20.01.2024, Hilden. NLP-Studie

#Hilden freut sich immer auf #Ortsfremde. Binnen einer Stunde schaffen es die lokalen #Milizen die #NLP #Zeichen schön zur #Zufriedenheit der #Stadtbesucher zu platzieren. Die verängstigten #Schichtleiter der Milizen setzen auf die #Arbeit mit der #Psyche: dem Stadtbesucher wird seine eigene #Information zurück gespiegelt gezeigt, ob #Autokennzeichen oder #besondere_Merkmale an der #Kleidung oder im #Gesicht. Etwas länger dauert es mit den #Doppelgängern oder Wiergabe der #Ambiente aus der #Gegend, von welcher der #Besucher vermutet wird. #Nordkorea macht das auch genauso-ähnlich. Die #Psychologen nennen diese #NLP_Taktik #pacing and #leading. Diese #Technik soll durch die #Ähnlichkeiten #Vertrauen erwecken und #Zielobjekte zum erreichen eigener Zwecke bieg- und #gehorsam machen. Erreicht wird das #Gegenteil: #Nachforschen über die #Hintergründe des seltsamen Verhaltens der #Hildener. The #Log

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احتراق مقر مديرية الأمن في الإسماعيلية

احتراق مقر مديرية الأمن في الإسماعيلية #security #travel #information

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Typical case of corruption

If the #rules by the #law are not enough for the decision makers it is ever the case of #lobby and #corruption. Have a look at the #Daphne_Programmes as the #case to catch the #information about #children, who can be used for #election with #criminal_power behind like hostages or benefits for #social #authorities co-workers #facepalm

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information – isolation

#localists#collaboration with #international partners – – tvzvezda – #information#isolation#shielding#abschirmen#заслонять – #агент – #Заслонкин – #Abwehr#абвер#Enrico#medicals#медведомство – #МедВед – #Медведев – confident #communication#безумие#влияние

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Terrorism arguments collection 2

Germany. #Online #streaming is full with similar to #BND #obstruction_of_justice and stupid #mad #bullshit. Any public #DNS, any #country, any #streaming #channel, I want to enjoy to get fresh #information. Why so serious? Where is no right by #authorities to focus my attention on their dramatic and systematic law #mistakes by #manipulating my online #streaming since years. This structures could be recognized as the #organized_crime #hostage-taking #terrorists. Now #official as the statement of #guarantor. The few arguments to the context: #war_crime, #statistics to #genocide in #Germany, #study #studie_ware_kind #corruption #over_the_law_emergency_state #confiscation of the #court #building #ministers can be jailed, the #judges can be #eliminated by the #law no #joke Where is no value for me, it means #crimes of #military_shielding_service and #special_services for internationals #human_trafficking #affairs. Do you feel the same #propaganda style?

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How to read international scientologists texts

This is how to read #international #Scientologists texts. First of all you should have a look on the special #keywords, it is much easier, if you can speak or read multiple #languages: this is the text, I qualify as the Scientologists text Step by Step: “poverty!” – very strange Russian imperative of “trust me” in sense of #God and #religion, for the Time readers are the Russians the typically “unknown foreigners”, we can theoretically compare it with the typical figure of the “antichrist” in the religion cults. Okay, thus, move ahead, the next one: #maid#MAD – the #military #radical #counterintelligence #organization, one of the #special_services, historically build by #Nazi and rebuild by #CIA, #hunger – to be #hungry – as the name or as the #aircraft #hangar, “hunger changes you” – #radiation from the #nuclear #missiles in the hangar, #miscarriage – the modified surname of the famous #Scientologist and so go on. Normally you never need the #sects #bullshit, except you hate to read the real #science books and #information in the #open_sources, and that is true: the fake religion of the professional #killers never let you go: they play the mistakes games to get any information from you. You have to open the personal information till stage ” #clear ” by powerful #scam #techniques, because, they stalks and are happy to do mistake to believe, you are the #irradiated aircraft #pilot, who is already mutated and must die, because of… for example “saving the world from blond hair European WWII strangers” and such bullshit or something of this. Their illegal techniques works in ca. 99% of the sect cases, because the Scientologists practice the #essence of all religions and all special services. #facepalm Take care of you and don’t hesitate to punch back if your #freedoms and #rights are broken by Scientologists, religions, corrupt #authorities or special services.

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Voice change argument versus fake mister Maas and NSA

Why German mister #arab #Maas, #FVEY #NSA #CIA and Co. are just a couple of techno #fiasco #professionals? Because they never have the accurate #information:

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Order for experts

#Research and #evaluation on #danger sources. Psychological #forensics of #CIA #officers on reports of their work in the #media_space and in the #real_life. #Analysis of their #sources of #information. Non-obligated commercial offers with description of your possibilities are expected here:

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NBS looking for informers

NBS is looking for #informers about war #crimes in #Europe like written in german #VStGB codex or in UN law. You can anonymously contact the editorial #office with notes, how we can handle your #information:

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Nuclear Strike on Syria

Removed UK #information from 2013 – #Nuclear Strike on #Syria #genocide making of: #desert

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Create and place Banner Online for free

To create and place your small personal #advertising for private #individuals, #freelance or small #business you can use online #photo_editor and place the #banner in µBlog Ping-!-Pong for free: ! Enjoy it and think about using of #hashtags to put your #information like #company #news in the #context.

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