Dieter Romann
Dieter #Romann – the #President of German Federal #Police. Very engaged person with typical vitae of highly educated …how should I describe that?… may be I should use the term “the person with radical views on the #radical #phenomenons”, but I don’t do that. He is just somebody with unusual imbalanced view on the law system and throw the #GSG ( #combat_department for #special_operations ), somebody, who matches the law #context of the § 13 StGB as German passive #helper_of_the_terrorists in #office #NBS tests shows. You can find the #evidences of his #ambitions on each #railway_station: you can register a huge #gangs of #undercover agents in each city in #NRW with their small “tactics” to stay involved in the wrong #jurisdiction. Look at the case of #Cologne Dome #Silvester Party few ears ago. #Karlov_case etc.
NBS looking for informers
NBS is looking for #informers about war #crimes in #Europe like written in german #VStGB codex or in UN law. You can anonymously contact the editorial #office with notes, how we can handle your #information: