Police 4Q

Как расставить #знаки_препинания в выражении #Police 4Q на 36 секунде репортажа https://www.tvc.ru/news/308295 ? #Давос

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Bielefeld – Pablo Echarri

#Bielefeld#Pablo #Echarrihttps://www.cinemagia.ro/actori/pablo-echarri-34983/poze/934272/#fake #police#Бирман#Bir#Crombach

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#Sacra_Corona_Unita#Italia#CDU #CSU#NRW#colors#Krone#crown#Landskrone #Düsseldorf#fake#police

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Illegal collection of bio-metric data

Illegal #collection_of_biometric_data for purposes of #terrorists goes over plastic film envelope in #Meerbusch, #Germany. The next office of radical extremists is situated in #Düsseldorf near of #CIA office at main #railway_station #Hauptbahnhof. Where are professional #killers, who is hunting of #Russians over police and medicals. Be warned and take care of engaged medical staff, who works over the local corrupt police. The #lobby of #GoreCivic, #GEO Group makes troubles in Germany over #production_of_fake_evidences and #hostages. #Suppliers_chain seems to look as: #Nazi or another #terrorists > #CIA > local #corrupts > #misleading_the_investigation by Ukrainian and #Islamic_way. #Investigation #fake_evidence_production #evidence #plastic_envelope #corrupt_police #Landesjustizvollzugsdirektion #LJVD #JV #Killer #hostage #politics #preparation_of_a_crime https://www.justiz.nrw/Gerichte_Behoerden/landesjustizvollzugsdirektion/index.php The local politics thinking to work on the #crime_case and #celebrating the #suspect’s #innocence. The really #suspects in this chain are well known as the #police_officers from department ZA1.2. in #Wuppertal, owner of the #fakes_names like #Gailat1 #Gerhard2 #Linscheid3 #Sippel4 under #confederates_flag https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America#/media/File:Confederate_Rebel_Flag.svg in their office. #confederates_flags will be used by the #Nazi. This terrorists are really #hunting_people by using #police_equipment and writing fake #letters. #IT_path like #sip and #tracking over #mobile_phone goes in the direction #MAD and #service_supplier of the #police in the #NRW. Meanwhile the CIA or #NSA (study about most used IP addresses of writers on Wikipedia shows on #Maryland) makes #propaganda over #Wikipedia for similar structure of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederation_of_Mountain_Peoples_of_the_Caucasus to make the #conflict_against_Russians perfect. So now, #public_prosecutors: ready, steady, take care about #genocide structures.

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European Police Congress.

European #Police #Congress means the #industry are interested on the #congress_participation. Okay, it could be so. But let’s look at the #visitors #prices. https://www.european-police.eu Very #funny. The #police and #politics means to be higher in the #society #hierarchy as the industry. Why not the #food_deliverers or #gardeners? Anybody will die without #food, just for instance. #facepalm Crazy #ambitions of the #service_coworkers looks funny. #Europe, cool down!

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Deutsche Terroristen – Paris

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutscher_Herbst#autumn#Deutsche_Terroristen#Paris – .de/f/wuppertal/elberfeld-hofkamp-113-119 – #stalker#Tunnel#Ohringehttps://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incendie_de_Notre-Dame_de_Paris – “я сама” – #felT#мы_сами#parole#Meithof#Fake#Meinhofhttps://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Фракция_Красной_армии#переодевашки#Ulrich#RAF#IRAhttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/doppelte-behoerden-in-wuppertal#Filmcars#Köln#Irish#клевер#clever#schlau#Kleeblatt#cloverleaf#Lindner #Hotel #Cologne#Killer#police#left_wing #extremists#death of #Bro#auditions#прослушка#audi#Otto #Schily – massive #terror in #Russia

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Fake police car – fake police – crimes

#rent #fake #police_car#Cologne#Vogesangstr#Wilhelm_Mauser_Straße#Maarweg#Außere_Kanalstraße#garbage #company#Müllabfuhr#Köln#Auto für #Filmproduktion mieten – #WDR#Oldtimer#Polizeiwagen#Hürth#MAD#film_studios#Alexander#Bortnik – fake #country #Ukraine#hostage #Nord_Ost #theatre#enforcement of #Kobzon #lobby#terroristic_oraginization#Brühl#Hilden – WDR #Düsseldorf – #Antonio – #car moving – #Adler shop – #WDR#bäändä – #Bondarenko – #actors#professional #makeup – any #cloths#Onur#Maral#Müllwagen – accident – #murder_attempt#NDR call – #interview earlier – a girl was driving – #cabrio#police back #bumper_ram with #orange #track – ‘Ndrangheta – #Ndrangheta – white car – Turkish car #seller#neighbors – fake #police_cars for #film_production#accident#Osnabrück#health influence – #hostage #childcare authority #Cologne 2013 – fake #judges – invalid #justice #staff with #tatoos#politics – 129a 239b StGB – 206 – #Wuppertal 2018 – #accident#murder_attempt – technical manipulation – #Maddie_mobile#maddie#hostage #Wuppertal – #Simonyan – #Simpsons#Oldboy#Hackers#tunnel – fake #politicans – #TV – #disinformation#telecommunication#shielding#Abschirmung – real #crime as a #joke#nuke #transport#specialists can detect broken #competences#scientologists#Brühler_Str#container – Güterumschlag – #Güterbahnhof

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Wuppertal – Mafia – City

W KK 2727 – #Mafia#IT#police#city#corrupt#corruption#infrared#burglary#hack on the another level – #electronic_warfare#Wuppertal#Barmen#Barmenia#Armenia

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3 persons killed in #Nottingham

3 persons killed in #Nottingham https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/local-news/murder-arrest-nottingham-major-police-8516999 local #police #murder

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USA. News around police

#USA. Negative #news around #police https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/01/28/tyre-nichols-death-black-police-officers/11136520002/ https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/01/25/greensburg-police-chief-shawn-denning-drug-charges/11119728002/

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Sachsen – underground

#Sachsen#SA#CH#En#Spezialisierung#Nazi#Verfassungsschutz#zip_code 01072 – #Dresden#police#ten_codes#code_1072#Report #Fire progress / #Gun involved / D.O.A. – #АТФ / #Жесказган / #Отравление – #ATF – #poisoning – #Скрипаль – #Куклукскланhttps://capitasnowboarding.com/products/defenders-of-awesome#беременность#Eugen_Bleuler#intoxication#Härtung – her #phone#telnet#combination#christian_sect#колпак#фата#маска#ромашка#Дом_Солнца#фильм#воздушные_шарики#скупка_недвижимости#capita#capital_punishment#understanding#snow#снежок – welcome on board – #бледнолицый – Das LfV Sachsen warnt Kommunen und Bürger vor Immobilienerwerben des “Königreichs Deutschland”. – SA – #Красная_весна#издание#недвижимость#саентологи#конечная_трамвая#церковь#Düsseldorf

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Research on corruption under police co-workers in Germany

#Research on #corruption under #police co-workers in #Germany. Aim: #evaluation of the corruption #methods in #German_police. #Method on #victim side: being a usual non representative #person, asking the real #legal_questions in the #local_police #department. #Feedback from the #corrupt co-workers: no direct answers, #commit_by_omission, #false_suspicions to have illegal #weapons, #stalking by police itself, probably payed neighbors and #agents, #studying the #time_plan of the victim, #pressing method by the #illegal_blocking of the access to the news and #commercial_information, producing of the #fake_news as #Donald_Trump it loves to say, #blocking of the possibility to make #business online and offline, #burglary from the police co-workers to get #documents and #values of the victim for the private use of corrupt police co-workers, new false suspicions for the next burglary on the paper, calling for help by local #corrupt_medicals like #psychologists from the #city, placing of “the gifts” near registration place, what can be used as #сircumstantials by false #suspicion (creation of the #wrong_evidences also), a lot of #incorrect_papers work to #legitimate own crime episodes. #Wuppertal, #Germany. Free #Research on the visible layer of the #war_crimes in #Germany was made (c) 2017-2022 by #NBS https://nbs-research.com #genocide #episodes #guarantor #research_results Right to use the results of the research: By using of this information online, you have to set a #backlink to the source.

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Facists trail in the police

#Investigation against #law_breakers inside the #police. The #pattern: If the #crazy #Nazi #policemans in #Germany loose the cases according #weapons #law, they create some #crime #events around the #world like this one https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/07/17/uvalde-police-body-camera-shooting-response/10084018002/ preliminary result: #danger is coming from this direction too #cartoons #Gailat1

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USA. 1,044 people have been shot and killed by police in the past year

US #statistics 1,044 people have been shot and killed by #police in the past #USA #statistics

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Harald Felling. init

Technische #Versorgung in #LKA_Düssedorf https://www.init.de/standorte https://lka.polizei.nrw/artikel/impressum Associations: #Pauli #Paul #Internet Versorgung der #Korrupten oder der #Terroristen #Fake_Content #fake_cases in the #police #Einbrecher #Prototyp 2018 #Abhören #Schädigung an den #Leitungen #K__535 #Nemtsov #Sergey_Brin #Angriffe_Ankündigung #Schädigung_online #Google #Schaden fürs #Geschäft #Business #hacker #elite #1337 #Terrorism #Strafvereitelung drahtlose Angriffe auf Leitungen #lobby #Deutsche_Telekom #gaspipe with optical cable instead of alternative #companies #Mobile #cable #Chaoten #Chaos. § 138 StGB Plan: #one_way to block: https://www.1tv.ru/shows/vremya-pokazhet/vypuski/vremya-pokazhet-chast-2-vypusk-ot-07-06-2022

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Police case. Shooting in Philadelphia

#Chattanooga #club #shootings https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/2022/06/05/philadelphia-shooting-south-street-police/7521384001/ #Scientologists and #police seems to have #fun: #photo_shooting #Esperanto #chat #leg #tattoo No #respect for such #information_management

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Texas shooting tragedy

Frustrated onlookers, #parents urged #police to charge into #Texas #school: Live #shooting #updates https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/05/26/uvalde-texas-school-shooting-victims-suspect-updates/9938494002/

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Roncalli – scientologists

L. #Ron #Hubbard#Scientologist#roncalli#circus#department#Central_Intelligence #Russia ? #United_States – #Vladivostok – #US_Embassy #neighbors – “#цирк уехал, а #циркачи остались” – #nonverbal_communication#разведка#non_verbal #communication – roncalli – #iron #call#phone_call#колено#west_call – 59Fe3O4 – Dwight D. #Eisenhower#Eisen – 34. president – 34 m. #diameter of biggest European #radar #plate – l ron #hub#барды#television#ZZ_Top#Попов#poppen#попhttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/the-notorious-b-i-g-big-poppa-official-music-video#bar D – #Barmen#Wuppertal#terrorists in #police department 2018 – #АмБарЦУМ off

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CNN about crimes in New York

#CNN #NY #statistics #crime #life_style #big_apple #New_York #city #nationalities #displacement #politics #police https://edition.cnn.com/2022/04/30/us/new-york-crime-safety-fears/index.html

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The news quality of former british sector of Germany

#Police #academy #lesson on #BBC shows the #quality of the #news in #Europe. Misused #pressing in the #press. Just news about #porn, #MP, #madness most probably in sence of #scietologists-saga about #Parlament str. in #Wuppertal, #NRW, the house of the #hobby #psychologists to cover the #war_crimes with #hostage and twice #murder_attempt of the local #police, #child_care #authority and #justice in #Cologne https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-61284686 #MI5 #BKA #useless #authorities have #fun

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Successfully tests of software – Nechaev Business Services

#NBS owner in #Wuppertal, #Germany can report a successfully completing of a the test #phase, #bug_fixing and #hardening of the new #software parts of https://superb.ook.ooo project. The local #spies reports their #espionage success via #theater #playing, made by #police. The NBS #copyright can be broken be them. Earlier their made a huge #troubles for #business till #burglary and #stealing of the #secret business #documents. This #press_release should secure the #history_achievements of NBS. The #project works in very small parts since 2010 under other names. The #development is continuing.

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Just stoned and hang – One more akimat story

I can’t read it #seriously: the people tells some #PSY #mystery #story at #New_Yorker about #stonehenge https://www.newyorker.com/science/elements/a-new-story-for-stonehenge with a #drugs #stoned looking guy over 80, who looks at a #stone #hang https://www.wikihow.com/Fix-a-Windows-Computer-that-Hangs-or-Freezes #Author has a #pseudonym like the #major in #Kazakhstan Akam / #Akim https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akim #facepalm #DEA I mean, it’s probably the #Borat#style of #young drugs and #police near standing #community, the real #communism today everywhere also. Have a look on hashtags: #NASA #buy #drugs #delivery #experts #drunken # corrupt #corruption #investigators #investigation #bullshit

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Terrorism arguments collection

#Scientologist #film on #STS #channel with #Tom #Cruise https://ctc.ru/projects/filmi/voyna-mirov/video/391601/ #pregnant women type #Haertel from vk.com, #Crombacher, #Bir, crazy #Forrest_Gump type #Eugen_Bleuler type from #MAD and cheap #stalking #police in #Wuppertal. Their work: unallowed data #interception for #raidering and other crimes. This is why Scientologists could be qualified as the #terrorists. Servus!

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The Italian Job – gold

#paramilitary#creatives#paramount #pictures#NN_177#documentation#mini – #metro – #Moskauer_Str#DB#car_train#human_trafficking#embassyhttps://www.imdb.com/video/vi3800957209#воронка#Крупп#checkpoint #charlie#Charlize_Theron#адвокат_дъявола#steronehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steroid_hormone – стер он – #etrusca#francesco#karnevalist extreme beaten by #police 2009

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Israelis collection

#Constantin#Constantin_Film#coast_guard#police#intelligence#Israel#super_dvora#saar#Dvorak#expo#Colonia#USCG – US #learning #program#Wehrhahn – foreign #profiling#clearing#polygraph#military_sensors#mini #crash with a #girl #driver – order of #WDR ( #dpa / #BND ) service supplier – big #orange #truck#mini #gun by #board_forces#MAD#fascism

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Моргулис – Hexagon

#Моргулис#морг – creation of situation > #seeking for renatal #flat – coordinated #hack on the phone by #professionals – белая комната с кафелем – #Mattes#кареглазый взгляд – #pentagon#шайбу#South_Sudan#Snap! – The #Power#поверь#Попов#Clearwater#Scientologists#XII_Aposteln #Holz #Bild#wooden_picture#woodoo_people – old espionage staff to sale – #psychopomp#cult – XII Aposteln #Café#MAD #Hilden#вещи_умерших_людей#furniture#internet#fake bills – data #interception#development#TTY#Hexagon #project particularly stolen by young “hooligans” from #police 2016 and later – #stalker by #buying of the #safe#kappa#maizier#disinformation on #TV – sa sd ss – #фашизм#воспитание приемников – #prohibited_organization – still #active#relatives in #foreign_affairs #authority#hostage #proceeding into abroad #phase

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Наша марка – какао – заложник

“Тук-тук, кто в теремочке живёт?” – #оборотни и #суки – #Марина – #Marine#дама_с_поленом#twin_peaks#CIAo_cacao#cacao – Наша #марка#Nash#Маркин#Марков#тачки#дПтС#Скабеева#СК#Бастрыкин#типаж – у кого #заложникhttps://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Бастрыкин,_Александр_Иванович#/media/Файл:Karataev_O.G,Bastrykin_A.I.jpg#Ракова#цэрэу#Дюссельдорф#Пушкин#АТФ#памятник#DEA#papashttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/the-mamas-andamp-the-papas-california-dreamin-september-24-1967-on-the-ed-sullivan-show#cocainehttps://nbs-research.com/was-ist/kokain/#ингуш#лунь#флот#John#Женя#acidhttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/pneumonia-acid-invasion#coast_guard#Костя#lions#Львов#товаровед#торговля_людьми#edie#addicted#Эдик – DEA – #funhttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/the-cult-edie-ciao-baby#UN#terrorists are in #UNUS too – 90-s #police#ten_codes#weapons#АТФ#dilettantism#banana#Charlatans – coverage of #lobby  – #понуждение

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Странные коды – p/d – PhD – РЖД

#наркота интернэйнл – #обдолбыши#вакцинация – опьянение – био эффект #радиация – p/d – база #Мексика – ШША – США – #испанец#macarena#PhD#Попов#РЖД – рыжий – #жид [польск. #еврей] – #польский_язык – главный поляк – #Haldenwang#бабка_Ванга#щека#поляков#поляк#pol#police#polizei#Dieter_Romann#DB#воронка#волк#пути#поезд#эшелон#Echelon#FVEY#АМУЯ#амурский_тигр#Иванов#Япончик#Израиль – база данных #PRISM – Пути сообщений – #МПС#связь#федералы#мошенничество

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Cruze “Wahlergebnisse” in Germany

Cruze Parodie: #Gutgläubiger_Erwerb bei #Banden_Hehlerei & Menschen, zu dennen der #Gott spricht: 24 | #Sozial_Pädagogen der Polizei und #Dressur der #Menschen: 25 | Auf dem #Fahrersitz: 5, Stimme der #Ukraine: 15 | Federal Department of #Police: 10 | Brittische #Autofahrer: 10 | Überlebenschance für brittischen #Trittbrettfahrer: 0,1%. Hier spricht der Sozial-Pädagoge: Das bisher nicht geimpfte #German #Personal mit Personalausweisen ab in die #Ausnüchterungszelle. Viel Spaß.

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Police codes Eleven-codes

#California #Highway #Patrol #codes contains no 11-9 [#Building down?] and no 11-77 https://policecodes.net/eleven-codes/ #code system #police #police_codes #police_code

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This is how the German secret service uses North Korea to spy

Germany under #Wachtberg #Radar of #FGAN in the own north part is the alias of #North_Korea and #South_Korea the alias of south of the #Germany with US ( #UKUSA) #NSA #FVEY #installation in the diplomatic jokes https://www.nknews.org/pro/how-north-korean-diplomatic-missions-help-proliferation-and-arms-trafficking/ And you can just say “North Korea” under poisoned air of Germany and the NSA/BND robots begins to work automatically. Normally the agents works throw the #fake_cases in the #police and by #authorities. Absolutely sick practice and total true. #Germany 2021 is still the totalitarian country. Because of that the #benchmark is not wrong. Fake case is the official #crime in Germany. Just look at the Korean picture to understand who will be used as #bandit in Germany. True benchmark. Made by #central #intelligence services. Do you need evidences? Try to follow the #radioactivity #trail and to use the legal system of Germany to feel you are in the North Korea, how the #media writes about it.

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18 = AH = Adolf ……

https://vz.ru/news/2021/7/28/1111188.html | Ni Minuti Pokoya (A Moment’s Peace) – #Lev #Leschenko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b84DmQEQc_s | Leva | #Lions_Club Arbat District 123 https://www.e-district.org/sites/123/page-7.php | US #intelligence in #Moskau | §123 StGB german criminal code – #Burglary | made by stoned #police-co-workers in #Lions #City #Wuppertal | checkmate against duma chackmate player #lobby of Lions Club member in my country

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Italia: arrest of Maria Licciardi by Carabinieri

Italian #police nab woman reputed to be #Naples #crime #boss https://www.euronews.com/2021/08/07/italian-police-nab-woman-reputed-to-be-naples-crime-boss #Italia: #arrest of Maria #Licciardi by #Carabinieri

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Massive cyber war operations in Wuppertal

#Cyber #warfare in #Wuppertal is on going https://lovesunpeace.com/102/this-is-how-the-special-services-recriting-works-in-the-real-world#comment-1001 #news #extremists are inside of the #police

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Stalking – Cologne

#Germany#Cologne#Stolkgasse#Stalking#Polizei#Police – fake case numbers show – #ambassador #Karlov – #annonce#turkey_design – dominance of the #department in the old city #center – connection to #Bundespolizei – German #federal_police#show specialists

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Human trafficking – Hostage department

#Barbarossa#Germany#Cologne#Barbarossaplatz#Salierring#seller#Polizei#Police#Children – special #department for #children_protection cases – erasing of case numbers – #Rock_am_Ring#Rockerband and #security – typical for #human_trafficking#turkey_design

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Частная Военная Компания. Доказательство

Конституция РФ. Статья 14 Цитата “1. Российская Федерация – светское государство. Никакая религия не может устанавливаться в качестве государственной или обязательной. 2. Религиозные объединения отделены от государства и равны перед законом.” http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_28399/3655bfcee47bf17d80f9ddbf47d99b3ab4139fde/ Пропаганда религиозного на военном – вроде бы российском – канале https://tvzvezda.ru/news/2021581857-mmaUd.html IT #maps #police #police_maps #перфокарты #картыполиции #profiling #внедрение и #подмены https://lovesunpeace.com/102/dryzg-i-bryzg #частная_военная_компания

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Jokes of or about Foreign Affairs Office https://fam.state.gov

Delivered by YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBrJ_kCg4rw | Do you remember #Bush #Merkel #shoulder #massage ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVvrNJHiuj8 #CUSTOMER_TREATMENT #fast_search shows that: https://fam.state.gov/fam/03fam/03fam1330.html the #superbook of Foreign Affairs Office (FA) https://fam.state.gov in or without #cooperation with #Finanzamt #Wuppertal and #Police Wuppertal | #Scientologists call this repetitive nature of #trolling #pacing_and_leading | I call it just #monkey_behavior | it’s just the style of #fun but you can learn to #sale more and more #sale_more That technique actually can not be used by state agencies – the state steals on that way the market shares by private economy, my dear kids in the dept., info just for fun, of course. #law_breaking #state

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Dieter Romann

Dieter #Romann – the #President of German Federal #Police. Very engaged person with typical vitae of highly educated …how should I describe that?… may be I should use the term “the person with radical views on the #radical #phenomenons”, but I don’t do that. He is just somebody with unusual imbalanced view on the law system and throw the #GSG ( #combat_department for #special_operations ), somebody, who matches the law #context of the § 13 StGB as German passive #helper_of_the_terrorists in #office https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieter_Romann #NBS tests shows. You can find the #evidences of his #ambitions on each #railway_station: you can register a huge #gangs of #undercover agents in each city in #NRW with their small “tactics” to stay involved in the wrong #jurisdiction. Look at the case of #Cologne Dome #Silvester Party few ears ago. #Karlov_case etc.

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Forecast for Joe Biden’s next basic working conditions

Will Joe #Biden, who has commented the legal way by playing games with foreign prosecutors, now work properly after the #crime_scenes in the #congress? I don’t know. Most probably he will be permanently blocked. So, Mister Biden, your legal aim’s seems to be the #corrupt #policeman’s in #Wuppertal and the #organized_crime structure in #Cologne, Germany. They will be covered by probably private British #intelligence, who seems to work intensively against “American” #Bad_Aibling infrastructure in Germany (#propaganda etc.). Probably that is the way, you will be manipulated on too. So now I wish me to see the end of the German-American media #show and work of American #prosecutors as written in the 18 U.S. Code § 1091 (#Genocide) https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1091 plus the #international links, that you must know by reading the #WhiteHouse and earlier #NY prosecutors messages. It’s about #management of #people in modern Germany like #animals with #control of #birth_rate, #children #kidnapping, #radiation, #interception via #EMF, #deprivation, #manipulation, #blocking of the legal way by the #proletarian thinking #elite, miss-usage of the #media and so go on. Just in case: you work will now be nearly completely blocked by cheap #police_investigation. Because of #shooting and #death in #congress. It’s okay, but the people need #independent voices too, too much #police is not good. I would be glad to give #advise in the #international_context to some good private persons. That is that I’am studied for. But the German #counterintelligence exactly wants to create the own #illegal law link between German residents and foreign states (the new #spy_story). Ask the #Redaktion 102 of Ping-!-Pong microblog for legal contact. Please look at the foreighn #statistics sometimes to understand that is going on in your country too. #weak #CIA #NSA #analytics

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Convicted Officers in India

#Brutality of #police. The history of #India’s turbulent #relationship with its police https://edition.cnn.com/2020/12/02/india/police-brutality-india-dst-intl-hnk/index.html #cnn #pentagon’s #favorite #TV #channel #Research #result of CNN on #psychology of #police #officer: #Torture of the #poor has no #consequence

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Crazy Police

Crazy police co-workers live in they #codes: you was born in 79? #Ambulance is coming. Do you need police academy #lesson to code 11-86? They let explode Chernobyl nuclear plant – easy to learn http://pso.ucoz.com/index/police_codes_policejskie_radio_11_kody/0-196 Fucking #police idiots standing permanently under #drugs

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Shooting in Munich next day after listing

2016 – #Shooting in #Munich next day after official #listing of #Cologne #terrorists #police #tactics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mkxzj3dKV7k #Olympia moll looks like #Cologne #Arcaden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n710ueiSEuc #communication of #espionage services #war_crimes #serial_crime #NRW

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That guy knocking around the word

and has the #face and #behavior of #corrupt #police guy from #Wuppertal, #NRW, #Germany https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q37qWA2cL5w no #respect no #tolerance strange #funeral notices in videos

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How to find espionage out in Germany

#Experiment: If you want to find out why you see the same types of faces in #Germany, just find the place in #city with enough #citizens a calm place and say loud something about the #corruption in the #police, so as you would #call somebody. You will see the #spies in the few minutes and the drunken #news online after that. It’s police state. The perfect #totalitarism in 2020 #police_state #calm_place #spy #hidden_state

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Heidi Stevenson as KC is dead

Heidi Stevenson #heidi_stevenson https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/rcmp-weapon-lockdown-portapique-1.5537598 looks like KC here: https://lovesunpeace.com/102/cosmetic-canisius-in-koeln is dead #crazy #police-near-standing #reporter in #Canada and probably #Wuppertal, #Germany makes their #news by blood bath #blood_bath

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