#Wuppertal#Zulassungsstelle – number by default 2017 – W-QX 992 – #stalker#corrupt_police#drugs_control#attempted_murder 2018 – #stückwerkhttps://nbs-research.com/chto-takoe/хрупкость-металла/ – stalker 2024 – number 929E – #E929#Acetone_peroxidehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acetone_peroxide#bomb#crack_cocain#junkies#terrorists in #authorities#Feuerwehr#fire_department#Athemschutz

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Briefumschäge – Gericht – Staatsanwaltschaft – fakes

#Worringer_Platz#Düsseldorf#intelligence #agents#E929#corrupt_police – former #post #logistics #hub – U.S. #Consulate #General Düsseldorf – #letters#Briefumschäge#Gericht#Staatsanwaltschaft#fake

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Шахматы – наркота – Chess – Schach

#chess#Schach#шахматы#шахматы_фишера#Fischer_Random_Chess#Satranç960#Satrançhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess960#WWRY#light#technician#CD#musical#Fisher#fishhttps://nbs-research.com/was-ist/crack-kokain/#gold#bomb#sugar#Code_51shttps://tvzvezda.ru/news/20241226355-wiw6b.html#наркота#наркотики#Worringer_Platz#Düsseldorf#intelligence #agents#E929#corrupt_police

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Illegal collection of bio-metric data

Illegal #collection_of_biometric_data for purposes of #terrorists goes over plastic film envelope in #Meerbusch, #Germany. The next office of radical extremists is situated in #Düsseldorf near of #CIA office at main #railway_station #Hauptbahnhof. Where are professional #killers, who is hunting of #Russians over police and medicals. Be warned and take care of engaged medical staff, who works over the local corrupt police. The #lobby of #GoreCivic, #GEO Group makes troubles in Germany over #production_of_fake_evidences and #hostages. #Suppliers_chain seems to look as: #Nazi or another #terrorists > #CIA > local #corrupts > #misleading_the_investigation by Ukrainian and #Islamic_way. #Investigation #fake_evidence_production #evidence #plastic_envelope #corrupt_police #Landesjustizvollzugsdirektion #LJVD #JV #Killer #hostage #politics #preparation_of_a_crime https://www.justiz.nrw/Gerichte_Behoerden/landesjustizvollzugsdirektion/index.php The local politics thinking to work on the #crime_case and #celebrating the #suspect’s #innocence. The really #suspects in this chain are well known as the #police_officers from department ZA1.2. in #Wuppertal, owner of the #fakes_names like #Gailat1 #Gerhard2 #Linscheid3 #Sippel4 under #confederates_flag https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America#/media/File:Confederate_Rebel_Flag.svg in their office. #confederates_flags will be used by the #Nazi. This terrorists are really #hunting_people by using #police_equipment and writing fake #letters. #IT_path like #sip and #tracking over #mobile_phone goes in the direction #MAD and #service_supplier of the #police in the #NRW. Meanwhile the CIA or #NSA (study about most used IP addresses of writers on Wikipedia shows on #Maryland) makes #propaganda over #Wikipedia for similar structure of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederation_of_Mountain_Peoples_of_the_Caucasus to make the #conflict_against_Russians perfect. So now, #public_prosecutors: ready, steady, take care about #genocide structures.

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