Learn: code bribe

#knee and #leg Duration 6:15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma0HoEDSsKc Scientologists #code #bribe could look similar: https://youtu.be/Ma0HoEDSsKc?t=375

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Shooting in Munich next day after listing

2016 – #Shooting in #Munich next day after official #listing of #Cologne #terrorists #police #tactics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mkxzj3dKV7k #Olympia moll looks like #Cologne #Arcaden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n710ueiSEuc #communication of #espionage services #war_crimes #serial_crime #NRW

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Attempted murder in the same serial crime, Wuppertal

Car #accident with manipulated #metal, #Wuppertal, #NRW #car_accident

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Zimbabwe: the same serial murders from Wuppertal

#Explosion in #Zimbabwe 2018 after e-mail from #Wuppertal to zimbabwian #embassy in #Berlin https://www.news.com.au/world/africa/explosion-at-political-rally-an-assassination-attempt-on-zimbabwes-president-mnangagwa/news-story/4d6a961d0adee955a6bd93a8b15ec456 the #ATF wanted to be involved in the case, so why not to create some explosion, they probably thought, on the same way they showed, that #finance_minister of #Germany #Schaeble should be removed from people, who have to take care about #fraunhofer society – the leading #research #organization for #espionge #technics #serial_murders former #british_sector #NRW (Zimbabwe was not under control of fraunhofer technics) #ATFNAS #killers #President #hot_war

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Crazy job: to take people defense weapons away

No self #defence means definitely #preparing of bigger #crime by #ATF #terrorists, leading by #director Regina #Lombardo with a lot of looks alike she female #followers from #Turkey, f.e. https://www.atf.gov/about-atf/executive-staff #aliens #ATFNAS #NASH

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That guy knocking around the word

and has the #face and #behavior of #corrupt #police guy from #Wuppertal, #NRW, #Germany https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q37qWA2cL5w no #respect no #tolerance strange #funeral notices in videos

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