Big investigation against criminals in autorities in NRW Germany

#Investigation. The dimensions of #corruption in NRW #Germany covering nearly everything. Big investigation against the really dangerous #criminals in #authorities was initiated. #Over_the_law_emergency_state is where according some #law_comments to § 35 of German #Crime_Codex. Now are the #executive on the basis (read something about it) and their better educated #instructions_giver clarifying who is the better choice for the society. The dangerous basis has #weapons and manipulated #informants like #nutten to push every #decision, the better educated law “elite” has the power of decision making according the #corrupt_information. Nobody protects the #human_rights here. You can find no #protection for the #children and #family in Germany, if they don’t need you in the #country, need you to be #agent in #foreign_country or don’t need you anymore at all. Be careful with strange German #lobby. The #nation is delivering #tanks and different kind of #weapons in the #conflict_region, to inflame it and to get the #refugees back to use their as informants, #sex_slaves, #helping_staff, #spies in the near future, #bio_robots after using the #equipment for reading of #electric_signals of the body and #organ_donators. The situation is not normal. The responsibility for it is separated in the parts, so everyone can say, he or she was just making the official job. But, they all has to know the whole picture, to be sanctioned according § 6 VStGB or 18 U.S. Code § 1091 – #Genocide. The press work for #taking_to_knowledge of genocide crime in the #public it was did. #sanctions #international_law #analogs Be warned to make the #mistake to look for #law_enforcement in the old #fascists_connection countries. The connection still works. #Finland #Japan #Italy

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Wuppertal – Mafia – City

W KK 2727 – #Mafia#IT#police#city#corrupt#corruption#infrared#burglary#hack on the another level – #electronic_warfare#Wuppertal#Barmen#Barmenia#Armenia

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Dramatic stories about Capitol and Mr. Trump and democracy at all

Here is one micro-!-ping vs. 800 pages. Very long list of no evident crimes like “trying to talk somebody” should make us believe, somebody is a bad guy, during one of the official buildings was attacked by chaos makers. The point of view is here: #Business maker, who want to make something new, has no chance against professional #politicians in the #USA. Bećause of #political_technology and #corruption and foreign influence like the #construction_crane and the #mad #yellow_post story. That means, #democracy is in danger. #Capitol #Trump #Biden the new #fake #story #crane

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Typical case of corruption

If the #rules by the #law are not enough for the decision makers it is ever the case of #lobby and #corruption. Have a look at the #Daphne_Programmes as the #case to catch the #information about #children, who can be used for #election with #criminal_power behind like hostages or benefits for #social #authorities co-workers #facepalm

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Research on corruption under police co-workers in Germany

#Research on #corruption under #police co-workers in #Germany. Aim: #evaluation of the corruption #methods in #German_police. #Method on #victim side: being a usual non representative #person, asking the real #legal_questions in the #local_police #department. #Feedback from the #corrupt co-workers: no direct answers, #commit_by_omission, #false_suspicions to have illegal #weapons, #stalking by police itself, probably payed neighbors and #agents, #studying the #time_plan of the victim, #pressing method by the #illegal_blocking of the access to the news and #commercial_information, producing of the #fake_news as #Donald_Trump it loves to say, #blocking of the possibility to make #business online and offline, #burglary from the police co-workers to get #documents and #values of the victim for the private use of corrupt police co-workers, new false suspicions for the next burglary on the paper, calling for help by local #corrupt_medicals like #psychologists from the #city, placing of “the gifts” near registration place, what can be used as #сircumstantials by false #suspicion (creation of the #wrong_evidences also), a lot of #incorrect_papers work to #legitimate own crime episodes. #Wuppertal, #Germany. Free #Research on the visible layer of the #war_crimes in #Germany was made (c) 2017-2022 by #NBS #genocide #episodes #guarantor #research_results Right to use the results of the research: By using of this information online, you have to set a #backlink to the source.

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Нагрузка – контрразведка – безумие

#Maas – #Maaßen#BfV#Mönchengladbach#Sabinians#сабиняне#Nils#Tears_for_Fears – ex MAD – #Jo#наркота #бээндэ#Shanai#африканистика#книга по криминологии – #шизофреник#Константин#coast_guard#татуированые_люди#магазины#тюрьма#Knast#Knesset#Renate #Künast#Kuhn#Hurnerfunken #Verein e.V. – #ev#Huren#шлюхи#лесничий#лесная_казарма#MAD#Köln #Ossendorf#JVA #Wuppertal#Kunst – Kunst | hilft | geben – #Künstrler#Musikanten#Бременские_музыканты#американский_сектор среди британского сектора – #наблюдение#блондин и подруга – II – #Waffenfarbe#ABBA#шахматы#арабо_израильский_конфликт#Gailat1#corruption#тупосюжетное_кино#жена#лопоухий – бирмингемский – #женя#Bir#евгений#коричневый#Ev #Braun – #Ева_Браун#троянские_кони#Вупперталь#американцы#жидкий_азот#техника в наличии – старая кафельная #плитка – история от #blacky – #Сталинград – Kunst | hilft | geben – #исскуство | помогает | давать – #Волгоград#взрыв на вокзале несколько лет назад – однофамилец шефа #СБУ#агентура#Renate#Уфа#практикант#музыкант#MAD#наводка – стандартная история мол шпионов – #Чапман#Birkenheier#концентрация украинской агентуры – #концентрационный_лагерь #Кемна – #хрупкость_металла#убийство#полиция некомпетентна – #переодетые актёры – #саентологи#подделки#укрепрайон#подземная_инфраструктура

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Just stoned and hang – One more akimat story

I can’t read it #seriously: the people tells some #PSY #mystery #story at #New_Yorker about #stonehenge with a #drugs #stoned looking guy over 80, who looks at a #stone #hang #Author has a #pseudonym like the #major in #Kazakhstan Akam / #Akim #facepalm #DEA I mean, it’s probably the #Borat#style of #young drugs and #police near standing #community, the real #communism today everywhere also. Have a look on hashtags: #NASA #buy #drugs #delivery #experts #drunken # corrupt #corruption #investigators #investigation #bullshit

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Terrorism arguments collection 2

Germany. #Online #streaming is full with similar to #BND #obstruction_of_justice and stupid #mad #bullshit. Any public #DNS, any #country, any #streaming #channel, I want to enjoy to get fresh #information. Why so serious? Where is no right by #authorities to focus my attention on their dramatic and systematic law #mistakes by #manipulating my online #streaming since years. This structures could be recognized as the #organized_crime #hostage-taking #terrorists. Now #official as the statement of #guarantor. The few arguments to the context: #war_crime, #statistics to #genocide in #Germany, #study #studie_ware_kind #corruption #over_the_law_emergency_state #confiscation of the #court #building #ministers can be jailed, the #judges can be #eliminated by the #law no #joke Where is no value for me, it means #crimes of #military_shielding_service and #special_services for internationals #human_trafficking #affairs. Do you feel the same #propaganda style?

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Mafia – human trafficking

#Wehrhahn#bomb#пути #МПС – fake investigation for terrorists to keep they up to date – #коронованный#Königstr. 6 – #Corona#Tronak#Mariah_Carey#Studie_Ware_Kind#Karin#Langley#Mariah – Mariya – #desktop #picture#Taj_Mahal#Tajikistan#Casino#Donald_Thrump #collection – casino/sazino – #Andrew#Baltic_countries 1997 – #St_Petersburg – Indian #swastika #connection – #Milinder – #Urgant – #video_production – numbered #children collection – over 3500 cases – case 1178 – #aircraft #carrier #ship – sold – #Нагиев#разметка#истребитель#понуждение#compulsion to act – #ten_codes 1014 – #eleven_codes 1178 – 1184 – #corruption – fake #investigation #scenarios#terrorists in #authorities#human_trafficking – кровавая #жатва на пути террористов – #ATF – #сокрытие#MAD#турецкая_разведка – тектаническое решение – no #AFRICOM#минуточку – советский #детский_сад#слежка#байдарочники – возможно и скорее всего #КГБ 80-х – #обмен#интернационал#Карл_Маркс#Фридрих_Энгельс#Olympio – #Krupp – #Крупп – А. #Блок#оливковость в очереди – #Oliver pseudo #friend#ATLAS I –АМУЯ#Oliver #logistic#human_trafficking – full range on #Nazi methods – permanent #revolution#genocide

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Коррупция пилорама с убийствами

Международная #коррупция с убийствами #corruption

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strange misfortunes

#war #law #taxes #corruption #hostage #episode

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How to find espionage out in Germany

#Experiment: If you want to find out why you see the same types of faces in #Germany, just find the place in #city with enough #citizens a calm place and say loud something about the #corruption in the #police, so as you would #call somebody. You will see the #spies in the few minutes and the drunken #news online after that. It’s police state. The perfect #totalitarism in 2020 #police_state #calm_place #spy #hidden_state

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