Иранская мощь в Израильско-Палестинском конфликте.

Шарахнет через 4-7 недель. Ядерный #спор запрограммирован https://tvzvezda.ru/news/20231151835-oH4tV.html #Израильтяне рачищают месность бульдозерами и ракетами для лучшего распространения взрывной волны, народ в расход, израильский, хоть и не библейский #исход. #exodus #Dimоna #туннель #tunnel #тоннель #ХАМАС #X_mas #рождество боженьки #Бог_войны #фейкомёт полиции включен на полную катушку ради информирования населения уносите ноги, Сворачивание ядерной программы 1949 года. #Кипр #радар https://www.accuweather.com/ru/cy/kyperounda/652781/weather-radar/652781 Simulated attack on Dimona nuclear plant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_OKJRLB5X8 Dimona https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uyahFWf47Q Dimona #nuke site https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxkDMt0-nTs #Donald_Trump demonstrated it clearly ca. 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTpixsuj1f4 standard Israels show of the sense of the state of #Israel, we could think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy-V7HolcJE the #pipes and #tunnels show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY2suWVFKA4 #pipeline

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Research on corruption under police co-workers in Germany

#Research on #corruption under #police co-workers in #Germany. Aim: #evaluation of the corruption #methods in #German_police. #Method on #victim side: being a usual non representative #person, asking the real #legal_questions in the #local_police #department. #Feedback from the #corrupt co-workers: no direct answers, #commit_by_omission, #false_suspicions to have illegal #weapons, #stalking by police itself, probably payed neighbors and #agents, #studying the #time_plan of the victim, #pressing method by the #illegal_blocking of the access to the news and #commercial_information, producing of the #fake_news as #Donald_Trump it loves to say, #blocking of the possibility to make #business online and offline, #burglary from the police co-workers to get #documents and #values of the victim for the private use of corrupt police co-workers, new false suspicions for the next burglary on the paper, calling for help by local #corrupt_medicals like #psychologists from the #city, placing of “the gifts” near registration place, what can be used as #сircumstantials by false #suspicion (creation of the #wrong_evidences also), a lot of #incorrect_papers work to #legitimate own crime episodes. #Wuppertal, #Germany. Free #Research on the visible layer of the #war_crimes in #Germany was made (c) 2017-2022 by #NBS https://nbs-research.com #genocide #episodes #guarantor #research_results Right to use the results of the research: By using of this information online, you have to set a #backlink to the source.

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Synthesized voice of Donald Trump

#lol “We want to make #hardcore #great again” duration: ca. 1:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28V_hNvA5fU #Synthesized_voice of #Donald_Trump #Donald #Trump #voice #voice_synthesis #fake_news #fake

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