Dramatic stories about Capitol and Mr. Trump and democracy at all

Here is one micro-!-ping vs. 800 pages. Very long list of no evident crimes like “trying to talk somebody” should make us believe, somebody is a bad guy, during one of the official buildings was attacked by chaos makers. The point of view is here: #Business maker, who want to make something new, has no chance against professional #politicians in the #USA. Bećause of #political_technology and #corruption and foreign influence like the #construction_crane and the #mad #yellow_post story. That means, #democracy is in danger. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/12/23/january-6-committee-report/10931585002/ #Capitol #Trump #Biden the new #fake #story #crane

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The small brains of the localists in Germany

#Localists, known also as #communists in the logic of administrative-territorial entity #commune are sometimes incredible stupid. The newest #example from #Germany: somebody writes a #confidential message on the #UN. The #local_idiots with the #interception #equipment understands it as a message for the highest authority in the city: – just imagine it – …local #police_department. So they uses their small #mind_power to interpret the message profitable for the local politics agenda or for the #conflict on the #Russian_periphery [okraina] #Ukraine, without understanding the message and the damages, they do for themselves and to the others by simulation, being UN or the other authorities. #Crisis_region #Germany: idiots, who decreases own #birth_rates by such kind of #behavior in the game with completely broken #justice wants to be the main power. So stupid was the #brown_movement of #Nazi Adolf Hitler. The same game nearly 80 years later after his death. So my dear localists: first of all – you are completely stupid. Second – using of radio interception is a crime. Third – nobody can block the #connection to the another authorities #officially, this is the often mistake of the local #MAD terrorists. Fourth – your #justice in Germany has equals small brains and can not see the danger, coming by the results of their own work. Fifth – #education in Germany is really really bad, even if it is very #ambitious. #Shut_up and learn: local police has no power to manage the questions over the borders of the city, but the another #authorities can bring you in the prison from outside. #facepalm #genocide made by localists, genocide, made by justice, genocide made by modern German #politicians. Next is coming: the study about #brown_movement or simple #Nazi_connections in the #practice. It will be not understandable written pieces of texts, until the #study is done for the #reportage.

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