The small brains of the localists in Germany

#Localists, known also as #communists in the logic of administrative-territorial entity #commune are sometimes incredible stupid. The newest #example from #Germany: somebody writes a #confidential message on the #UN. The #local_idiots with the #interception #equipment understands it as a message for the highest authority in the city: – just imagine it – …local #police_department. So they uses their small #mind_power to interpret the message profitable for the local politics agenda or for the #conflict on the #Russian_periphery [okraina] #Ukraine, without understanding the message and the damages, they do for themselves and to the others by simulation, being UN or the other authorities. #Crisis_region #Germany: idiots, who decreases own #birth_rates by such kind of #behavior in the game with completely broken #justice wants to be the main power. So stupid was the #brown_movement of #Nazi Adolf Hitler. The same game nearly 80 years later after his death. So my dear localists: first of all – you are completely stupid. Second – using of radio interception is a crime. Third – nobody can block the #connection to the another authorities #officially, this is the often mistake of the local #MAD terrorists. Fourth – your #justice in Germany has equals small brains and can not see the danger, coming by the results of their own work. Fifth – #education in Germany is really really bad, even if it is very #ambitious. #Shut_up and learn: local police has no power to manage the questions over the borders of the city, but the another #authorities can bring you in the prison from outside. #facepalm #genocide made by localists, genocide, made by justice, genocide made by modern German #politicians. Next is coming: the study about #brown_movement or simple #Nazi_connections in the #practice. It will be not understandable written pieces of texts, until the #study is done for the #reportage.

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Pentagon’s History lessons: Finland is Russia

#Pentagon’s #History #lessons: #Finland is #Russia. Tsar #Peter the I has marked the #territory as Russian country. And it is true. The bloody #revolution of 1917 was made to kill the maximum of Russian people and to install the #mismanagement by Bolsheviks like in the last time in #Africa. After 100 years (the #law_expiring_time) the #fascists are trying to kill even more #Russians in the #Ukraine and to catch #Finland to #aggressive #NATO #alliance. So it is (a) the #genocide (b) the #war_declaration (c) the genocide has no #expiring_time. The #Russians can shoot back even 400-500 years later. Do you understand me, officers? The #coalition of #partisans is bigger, as you can imagine it. They are just cool, very very #cool, like your #cooling_systems. Mr. #Clinton knows it. So and now: you can not accept the #applications of Finland and #Sweden to join NATO, because you would support genocide by making free sea #trading on the #Baltic_Sea for Russians nearly impossible and as result creating the life conditions, that are the genocide itself. Because of that, the Russians could charge everybody in the law sense. And they have time… #Officially. Criminal #ambitions of #Vikings are not law compatible.

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