Dramatic stories about Capitol and Mr. Trump and democracy at all

Here is one micro-!-ping vs. 800 pages. Very long list of no evident crimes like “trying to talk somebody” should make us believe, somebody is a bad guy, during one of the official buildings was attacked by chaos makers. The point of view is here: #Business maker, who want to make something new, has no chance against professional #politicians in the #USA. Bećause of #political_technology and #corruption and foreign influence like the #construction_crane and the #mad #yellow_post story. That means, #democracy is in danger. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/12/23/january-6-committee-report/10931585002/ #Capitol #Trump #Biden the new #fake #story #crane

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Crane – Abwehr

#Wehrhahn#Wehr#Bundeswehr#Feuerwehr#Abwehr#Abschirmung#Fossari#Eugen_Bleuler#Voss#Hahn#Hahner#Hahnenstr#crane#construction_crane#espionage#terroristic_organization in #Cologne#Jugendamt#justice_gang#genocide#FBI #Washington#New_York #post_office – digital #tracking#Nemtsov#Nazi#Arbeitsamt#madness

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