Mitarbeiter des Staatsshutzes als Reichbürger

2023 haben angebliche Mitarbeiter des Staatsschtzes in #Wuppertal eine Reihe der #Straftaten begangen. Diese drehten die Aufgaben des Staatsschutzes um 180 Grad um und stellten sich dadurch als aktive #Reichsbürger vor. #Terror in Behörden finden logischerweise in #Behörden kein #Gehör. #Nachrichtenredaktion bringt eine #Warnung heraus: #Deutschland ist ein unsicher #Staat. Behörden beherrschen sich selbst nicht, sind von #Mafia und #Sekten unterwandert. #Beweise finden sich teilweise in der öffentlich zugänglichen #Statistik, die den grundlegenden gesetzlichen Normen widerspricht. #Staatsschutz #bekiffte_Beamten #Drogen #Menschenjandel #human_trafficking #Organhandel #Erpressung #terroristische_Vereinigung #BRD

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Fun! How to make own police more representable?

The #CPI_rank of Germans on the same street in #Berlin as Federal #Ministry of the Interior. #Finland’s #radicals, who wants attack #Russia are standing at the 2-nd place in the top clean policeman’s list. #lol It’s about how to define #mafia. #Germans – just for instance – are totally #corrupt, they are #dealing with humans on the another level. The #foreigners are ever the #suspects in their liars docs. #human_trafficking #STUDIE_WARE_KIND #ranking #ranking_agency #alt_moabit #alt #propaganda

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backwards reading of an psycho story – nobody can recheck it

#GWG – local #flats #cooperative#Haan #town by #Hilden town – #Hass #hater#Nguyen#NGU #Novosibirsk #DNS point – #Uni #Duesseldorf #Physics #faculty IT branch – #anti_monopoly #authority#Network#Internet#BIOS – IT #clusters – trillions of datasets – #Ahmed#terrorist according #TED#AdMED#BOP#signals#Gamma#nuclear_technology#meta data – JJ – JH – justice #Jena#Justice #Hamburg#mutants #production – elegans – #eugenics#BMC#warships#evangelists#sectarian#GUS#CIS#Phisher#Andrey#warship #flag – #ships class – Nem – Ger – #CCS#CSS#cascading style sheets – #Maas – #Maaßen#counterintelligence#Marshall#death_penalty – CJ – #chemical justice – #jewish#David #star#AKW C – #nuclear_power_plant C – no ads – #recruiting of #agents#cannabis to enter it – GG – #Nash#Nashville – #ATF – professional #demilitarization #agency before #killers#Schiff#ship#encrypted_message#BIOS – #Vishnu – #Indian_religion – I #Scientologist – AV TV – #audio #video #television#X_ray – visible #captain_Nemo#U_boot#Kolyma – very strong #radioactive_rays#feeling #cold_effect#Wagner #technicians#microblog#Burton#Haliburton#GOST – standards – #Bateman#Patrick#domestication#citizenship – MD – Member of ( #Parliament ) – Savvi – #Savage Road – #NSA – Yar – nuke – periglac – #periscope#idioms shit – portomonaie – #wallet#валить#killing#sedative #medicament#Nishnevartovsk#Sci#Vasi#armed_forces#BOP – staff for storage of valuable #property – extreme #dehydration#torture methods – #cashback – Vo****kel – recruiting for service – 44-49 years – (23) – Gil – sect – LL.M. – writing – – – #Congelation ice – #crystal – #drug or – #ocean_ice analysis the bottom #surface – U-Boot #trail – (13) – extra strong #nuclear_materials for #microorganism #activation – 30 years old – #LKA #terrorists#SIP #system#Eddie#addicted #staff#junkies#British #Williams #driver#spy#river#adoption – Petr****… – #child_care#shadow – #smak – #taste – #FSIN – #correction – being happy in company of models – #cryogenic #planet#Epicyclic_gearing#periscope process – #dormancy#astra – somebody wants to have a #son – #stars of the #military#GSG#Ey – RS #car_number#REM – old entity of #nuclear_pollution – Ivanov’s the international #espionage #agents against #Russians#Resuscitation is the #process_of_correcting – (7) – how to #catch_the_agent – frozen for years – long term #jailing of #sexual_partners – zone – deti – #children#jo – son – #survival#fruits of #China#BCA#BKA#Amber is #fossilized tree #resin#Voss – (2) – the #conservation specialists from #Vohwinkel#human_trafficking#Kellin – #Duesseldorf #major – GB #ambassador – hidden life – #Richard #BOI#critical_lecture – Most probably it is #Scientologists story about #business of #human_trafficking and #sexual_exploitation in #corrupt_authorities in #Germany from #recruiting over #jailing, #reactivation of this way #prepared_agents for #children_wish of the #staff in the foreign (Russian) #naval_fleet. Another example is the #Navalny ( #sailor ) case – “his” second half is jailed, until the recruiters did found the candidate for she. <

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3 pack – special services

#Lauria – #ATF – #Lombardi#weapons#Sullivan#FBI / #BOI in 70’s – CIA in 2020’s – #sell_Ivan#human_trafficking#hostage#Taylor#story_telling#speaker#spice #technology#cyber #talking #PC to PC – – jailed #special_services#prisoners on the stage

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Торговля людьми. Концепция распродажи жизни

#Торговля_людьми. #Концепция пока добровольной продажи жизни #human_trafficking

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Reearch on reason of aggressive behavior of EU

New #sanctions against #Russia. No #reason to do that so. What is behind? The #Baltic #countries initialized the new sanctions against Russia in sense of #traveling #restrictions. Who can be the #beneficiaries? Let’s see, may be they just want to sale more #sex services and do more for #human_trafficking to infiltrate the #agents to #Russia through blocking the access to #EU, except of #marriage possibilities; doing #dependencies on the humans level also, the known #tactics of sugar-agents from the earlier years. This political #lobby of #port and #beach #prostitutes and their owners is an act of #organized_crime. Just for example:open information for #research Facing to that problem nobody think about #reproduction of the under #genocide standing population. The funny #special_services want play the game till nobody is where. #infiltration #Baltic_countries #fun and #crime #manipulation #international_relationships

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Ey – terrorism

#law#Ey#terrorism#human_trafficking#production#fake_documents – no #expertise – spreading of #wrong_doing

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Администрация – пьяные – DEA

#mad#drugs #administration#администрация#admin#DEA#agent#Althouse#Sandmännchen#Песков#Eugen#Forrest_Gump#наркота#пьяные#бухие#agent_provocateur#Fedora#Feodr_Konyukhov#Федоренко#Доренко#door#human_trafficking#stoned#espionage#дело_врачей – доступ к препаратам – #плюшки – #МедВед – #водитель#вводитель#аппикация#application#поощерение#Belohnung#dosis#dose#банка – #банк – #bank#бомж всегда рядом наготове – #tramp – #rolling_stone#перекати_поле#Landstreicher#Streicher#серп#database

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30 years of preparations – агентура – фашизм

“he is just a #child, #Douglas” – – self #destruction #principle#BKA#explosives – making of #ground_zero#motive#coalition_building – fake #investigation to be up to date – #radio #interception building – #german_trade_in – #ATF – #АТФ#Birkenstr. – #bir#Birke#берёза#Березовский#НТВ#NTVi#Норд_Ост – захват заложников на #Дубровке#RTVi#Hürth – to #hurt somebody – #fascists#Eugenics#Bir#Eugen_Bleuler – right wing – #braun #politics – #Braun – #Jenn#Scientologist#Jenna #Miscavidge#жена#Jens#Jenny#Yevgeniy#Eugen – #Pavlo – #Pavel – #Pauls#армия Паульса – #Паульс – #Павлюченко – #Павличенко#Евгений – опять #евгеникаПавел #Воля#ВВ#TNT – #ТНТ – #дПтС#Украина#консульство#Irren#Шум – муШ – #муЖ#воронка – – #Russia #connectionНемецкий_дом #Севастополь – “я #немка” – #Taj_Mahal#заложник#fake #love_story – fake #civil_case#war_crime#study #studie_ware_kind#Übergesetzlicher_Notstand – ул. #Павлюченко – #Бюфет номер 9 – #kill – фильм “9 рота” – #БоНДарчук#БНД#разведка – fake #lover#energy #object #observer#БоНДаренко#Freddy #MADball – type – прогноз –

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Terrorism arguments collection 2

Germany. #Online #streaming is full with similar to #BND #obstruction_of_justice and stupid #mad #bullshit. Any public #DNS, any #country, any #streaming #channel, I want to enjoy to get fresh #information. Why so serious? Where is no right by #authorities to focus my attention on their dramatic and systematic law #mistakes by #manipulating my online #streaming since years. This structures could be recognized as the #organized_crime #hostage-taking #terrorists. Now #official as the statement of #guarantor. The few arguments to the context: #war_crime, #statistics to #genocide in #Germany, #study #studie_ware_kind #corruption #over_the_law_emergency_state #confiscation of the #court #building #ministers can be jailed, the #judges can be #eliminated by the #law no #joke Where is no value for me, it means #crimes of #military_shielding_service and #special_services for internationals #human_trafficking #affairs. Do you feel the same #propaganda style?

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Mafia – human trafficking

#Wehrhahn#bomb#пути #МПС – fake investigation for terrorists to keep they up to date – #коронованный#Königstr. 6 – #Corona#Tronak#Mariah_Carey#Studie_Ware_Kind#Karin#Langley#Mariah – Mariya – #desktop #picture#Taj_Mahal#Tajikistan#Casino#Donald_Thrump #collection – casino/sazino – #Andrew#Baltic_countries 1997 – #St_Petersburg – Indian #swastika #connection – #Milinder – #Urgant – #video_production – numbered #children collection – over 3500 cases – case 1178 – #aircraft #carrier #ship – sold – #Нагиев#разметка#истребитель#понуждение#compulsion to act – #ten_codes 1014 – #eleven_codes 1178 – 1184 – #corruption – fake #investigation #scenarios#terrorists in #authorities#human_trafficking – кровавая #жатва на пути террористов – #ATF – #сокрытие#MAD#турецкая_разведка – тектаническое решение – no #AFRICOM#минуточку – советский #детский_сад#слежка#байдарочники – возможно и скорее всего #КГБ 80-х – #обмен#интернационал#Карл_Маркс#Фридрих_Энгельс#Olympio – #Krupp – #Крупп – А. #Блок#оливковость в очереди – #Oliver pseudo #friend#ATLAS I –АМУЯ#Oliver #logistic#human_trafficking – full range on #Nazi methods – permanent #revolution#genocide

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The Italian Job – gold

#paramilitary#creatives#paramount #pictures#NN_177#documentation#mini – #metro – #Moskauer_Str#DB#car_train#human_trafficking#embassyворонка#Крупп#checkpoint #charlie#Charlize_Theron#адвокат_дъявола#sterone – стер он – #etrusca#francesco#karnevalist extreme beaten by #police 2009

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Sell Ivan and NasaR Buyev

#Салливан в Москве продаёт, #Назарбаев в степи покупает. Типа прикол: #Хозяин ядерного полигона, купи русского Ивана и сдохни из-за встречной разводки Славика. #Жесказган жёстко с #gun #НАСА #Sullivan #полигон #human_trafficking #торговля_людьми #Slavic people #slave Устаревшая коммуникация нелегальных организаций в англицизмах. Сейчас необходимо наблюдать за символами на вязи и санскрите а также за их ставленниками. #вязь #санскрит

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Homeland – Khomsky – Stolkgasse

#Homezone#telecommunication#home sweet home – #Homeland #Security#homeland_security#ФСИН интернэйшнл – #дПтС#торговля_людьми#human_trafficking#Homsky#Khomsky#дело_врачей#sweet#sweater#sugar_grove_station#Сахаров#златоуст#Захарова#Louis_Zlotin#Louis – #Zlotin – #NSA#max security – #Mozart Kugeln – #moz #art#маца #РТ – #Europaring#Köln#Terrorismus#турецкая_разведка#убийство_Карлова#Stolkgasse#Romann#хороший_полицейский#Goerris#Goy#Wuppertal#Auswanderung#Schweiz#Austria#Österreich#Switzerland – fake #Wirtschaftskanzlei #NBS – fake #ambassador – #Berlin – недо #аман – недо #моссад – нехватка информации – #убийство оригинала – потребность в легализации по имени – #очковтирательство третьим лицам – #иллюзия#заложник#подстава#араб#шахматитст#chekmate#физиотерапевт#stress#Khaski#Хаски – турецкий #игрок#БоНДаренко – воровство #документов – использование местных властей – #Лужков#сакральная_жертва#Немцов – #K-_525 – #Собянин#палец#администрация – стремление – #ущерб – “новый #лось” – #корреляция#карьера#мыльный_пузырь#связи#кража_данных – типично #саентологи#другая_церковь#andere_Kirche#André_Kirsch#Maiziere#вербовка#понуждение – отстуствие правильных методов в органах – #social_engineering

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Andrey – child care

#poppen (german) – #fuck#sex#Andrey – the very careful #driver#care#John_Carry – the friend of #Lavrov – #Karin#Langley#child_care #authority#mailorder – extra fake drugs order – #fake_investigation#X_ray#post#BGA#customs#zoll#scientology#clearwater#terrorism – #Popov – #BN_800 – com #internal#Japonchik#Sergey_Ivankov – прибор #Тайга – #Petrov – #medical_care#заводчик#human_trafficking – Andrey #flag – #Marine#SEA_ORG#espionage#extremism#recruiting#морской_бой#убит

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Дети и старики как товар

#Богодельня #дети и #старики #пансионат #Геронтропсихиатрия #опека #волеизъявление #дом_престарелых #пожар #Кожевникова #приют #нахлобучивание специализированным образованием #круговая_порука #мошенничество Ищите также: #ускоренная_смерть – #гамма #излучение и эпизод схемы #геноцид. Сопровождение и мотивационное #враньё с детского возраста на примере исследования в другой стране #вступительный_взнос #материнский_капитал#capital #capital_punishment означает #смертная_казнь Смотрите также законы о широкомасштабном применении наркотиков иностранных армий в ходе секретных операций:чек-жаргон/ #genocide #Völkermord #Menschenhandel #human_trafficking #наркотики

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Human trafficking – Hostage department

#Barbarossa#Germany#Cologne#Barbarossaplatz#Salierring#seller#Polizei#Police#Children – special #department for #children_protection cases – erasing of case numbers – #Rock_am_Ring#Rockerband and #security – typical for #human_trafficking#turkey_design

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