Fun! How to make own police more representable?

The #CPI_rank of Germans on the same street in #Berlin as Federal #Ministry of the Interior. #Finland’s #radicals, who wants attack #Russia are standing at the 2-nd place in the top clean policeman’s list. #lol It’s about how to define #mafia. #Germans – just for instance – are totally #corrupt, they are #dealing with humans on the another level. The #foreigners are ever the #suspects in their liars docs. #human_trafficking #STUDIE_WARE_KIND #ranking #ranking_agency #alt_moabit #alt #propaganda

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Germany. War crimes show in the city

23.04.2022. #Germans places the #expensive_cars with Ukrainian #car_numbers on the entrances to the living #blocks, frequently crossed places. Meanwhile the simple #oil for the #cooking was removed from the #points_of_sales to demonstrate the #reason for that the western countries support #separatism between #Russia and the #periphery. Ukraine means #periphery. So far it is known here, the Ukrainian oil #show was planned 2007-2008 by #BND / #NSA in #Munich round about war preparation in country #Georgia. The people, who speaks in #Europe Russian and fake #language Ukrainian to the war theme are #special_services #agents, who are participate on the #war_crimes. That is the opinion of the expert for the special services.

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