Successfully tests of software – Nechaev Business Services

#NBS owner in #Wuppertal, #Germany can report a successfully completing of a the test #phase, #bug_fixing and #hardening of the new #software parts of project. The local #spies reports their #espionage success via #theater #playing, made by #police. The NBS #copyright can be broken be them. Earlier their made a huge #troubles for #business till #burglary and #stealing of the #secret business #documents. This #press_release should secure the #history_achievements of NBS. The #project works in very small parts since 2010 under other names. The #development is continuing.

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Моргулис – Hexagon

#Моргулис#морг – creation of situation > #seeking for renatal #flat – coordinated #hack on the phone by #professionals – белая комната с кафелем – #Mattes#кареглазый взгляд – #pentagon#шайбу#South_Sudan#Snap! – The #Power#поверь#Попов#Clearwater#Scientologists#XII_Aposteln #Holz #Bild#wooden_picture#woodoo_people – old espionage staff to sale – #psychopomp#cult – XII Aposteln #Café#MAD #Hilden#вещи_умерших_людей#furniture#internet#fake bills – data #interception#development#TTY#Hexagon #project particularly stolen by young “hooligans” from #police 2016 and later – #stalker by #buying of the #safe#kappa#maizier#disinformation on #TV – sa sd ss – #фашизм#воспитание приемников – #prohibited_organization – still #active#relatives in #foreign_affairs #authority#hostage #proceeding into abroad #phase

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News about search technology of NBS

#Discrepancy between #speed of the two methods of #search #technology, used by #NBS, growing with the size of the project rapidly. The #fantastic #search_speed of the NBS technology is now definitely passed the #phase of #proof_of_concept on different #machines in the real #internet. #development

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