Ukraine Development Fund from Australia

Australian #businessman to #invest $500 million in #Ukraine #Development #Fund #Australia

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Development of the voucher and ordering system

Independent #development of the #voucher_production and #ordering_system with acceptance of the unique #voucher from #zero_stage is nearly ready to launch. #IT

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А не повторяет ли руководство РФ западную ошибку на востоке?

Потреяв #газопровод по дну Балтийского моря в Европе, #Россия прокладывает газовую трубу в #Китай. Всё крайне дорого и не может бьть защищено от рейдерских захватов. Но #Путин продолжет выглядеть трезвым, а у Тимура Иванова – ООО #Кристалл #Девелопмент – теперь в военной форме как у фашиста #Муссолини – растёт пивной #животик ИвановИванов,_Тимур_Вадимович МуссолиниМуссолини,_Бенито – запрограмированнве лузеры во вред своим народам

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NBS has finished a part of robot development

NBS – #Nechaev_Business_Services – has successfully finished the #development of the significant part of the own IT-based #robot with the ( because of #marketing_tactics ) hidden name. All systems are tested and working normally. The #programming #skills for the development of this specific part equals the #programming_skills of entire #universities. #NBS is the #international owner-led law-based #business_consulting, located in west #Germany since 2006. The #software #licensing_politics of NBS is strict reduced to the using only inside the own structure. Next step: development of the hidden #serving_programs, improving of #user_friendly_interface and #business issues. The robot was under development and in an #empiric_phase in complete secrecy mode since 2010. The #investment is just huge. #robots #robotics #it_systems #investor

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Successfully tests of software – Nechaev Business Services

#NBS owner in #Wuppertal, #Germany can report a successfully completing of a the test #phase, #bug_fixing and #hardening of the new #software parts of project. The local #spies reports their #espionage success via #theater #playing, made by #police. The NBS #copyright can be broken be them. Earlier their made a huge #troubles for #business till #burglary and #stealing of the #secret business #documents. This #press_release should secure the #history_achievements of NBS. The #project works in very small parts since 2010 under other names. The #development is continuing.

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Моргулис – Hexagon

#Моргулис#морг – creation of situation > #seeking for renatal #flat – coordinated #hack on the phone by #professionals – белая комната с кафелем – #Mattes#кареглазый взгляд – #pentagon#шайбу#South_Sudan#Snap! – The #Power#поверь#Попов#Clearwater#Scientologists#XII_Aposteln #Holz #Bild#wooden_picture#woodoo_people – old espionage staff to sale – #psychopomp#cult – XII Aposteln #Café#MAD #Hilden#вещи_умерших_людей#furniture#internet#fake bills – data #interception#development#TTY#Hexagon #project particularly stolen by young “hooligans” from #police 2016 and later – #stalker by #buying of the #safe#kappa#maizier#disinformation on #TV – sa sd ss – #фашизм#воспитание приемников – #prohibited_organization – still #active#relatives in #foreign_affairs #authority#hostage #proceeding into abroad #phase

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The TV transmitting car with a satellite antenna

The #television #transmitting #car with a #satellite #antenna #business_development #business #development #stellar #send #signal #buy and #sell #propaganda_car #propaganda #interception

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NBS as investor

20.07.2021 #Wuppertal. #NBS owner invests #IT values worth 72 Million #Euro in useful #service for #online_business #development #investor #investment #business #business_development

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Geropharm #Geropharm #Gero #Ger #pharma #pipeline #Venezuela #Granstrem #St_Petersburg #R&D #research #development #for_free #business_development #Matvienko

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Maximazing of linkbuilding efficiency

Some of the main themes of #NBS #NBS_Research and #NBS_Consulting in #SEO links #linkbuiding #link #links #rock_n_roll for #Business #Development #Business_Development #Maximazing #maximum – the #SEO_juice Questions about that? Follow the links and find out the contact details!

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News about search technology of NBS

#Discrepancy between #speed of the two methods of #search #technology, used by #NBS, growing with the size of the project rapidly. The #fantastic #search_speed of the NBS technology is now definitely passed the #phase of #proof_of_concept on different #machines in the real #internet. #development

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New development results

NBS has nearly completed the #development of the new #app. You can anytime #invest in the #business of #NBS by contact of #business_consultant Vladimir Nechaev:

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If scientists playing Ping Pong

#Scientists from #England and #Germany: #development of non-cuttable #material from #aluminum and #ceramic #spheres looks like #micro #ping #pong #balls in the middle

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PHP sandbox online tool #PHP #online #tool for #development

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