Игорь – Егерь

#Jäger#Егерь#Егор#Егоров#Игорь#Игорян#Горяная#Сечин#Курчатов#Rosenheimcops – #Igor – #Feldjäger#Felde#MP#MAD – #Faßbender – #бочкарь#Бондаренко#бээндэ – #Бонд – #военные_преступники

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Тула развивает бизнес

#Тула #центр #мой_бизнес https://1tulatv.ru/novosti-reportazhi/180632-kak-tulyakam-poluchit-do-300-tysyach-rubley-na-razvitie-svoego-dela.html #сумки не путать с финским #КПП и немецкими военными полицейскими #Suum_cuique https://lovesunpeace.com/102/suum-cuique-voennye-sumki-po-prostomu #MP

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The news quality of former british sector of Germany

#Police #academy #lesson on #BBC shows the #quality of the #news in #Europe. Misused #pressing in the #press. Just news about #porn, #MP, #madness most probably in sence of #scietologists-saga about #Parlament str. in #Wuppertal, #NRW, the house of the #hobby #psychologists to cover the #war_crimes with #hostage and twice #murder_attempt of the local #police, #child_care #authority and #justice in #Cologne https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-61284686 #MI5 #BKA #useless #authorities have #fun

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Genocide vs. NATO

#MP#military_police#Feldjäger#Jäger#егерь#егорян – us #spelling e = [i] – #Игорян#Игорь#Being_John_Malkovich#Hilden#Waldkaserne#Feldjäger + #MAD – профессиональное #безумие#MADBALL#US #counterintelligence#target in #Russia#espionage#covering of #espionage#БНД#БоНДаренко#war #crime#war_crime#kidnapping#hostage – legally #order to eliminate the #terrorists

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