Hurricane Ian in Florida

#Hurricane #Ian in #Florida #USA significant #destroying

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Hurricane Ian

#Hurricane #Ian #Psychologists: why must the #rock_music be associated with such kind of #destroying? Scorpions – Here I am, rock you you like a hurricane

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Let see US behavior from the psychological point of view

#Americans usually want to see #destroying of somebody each time they #intervent one or the other #country without any #reason since they shooted the #Indians and #bisons. Probably, they all – as #society – needs professional #mental_health #medical_care

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Mirrored news: everything upside down

Propaganda: #genocide professionals from Germany charges the destroyed nation with genocide-like crime The German #Mafia works much more silently: throw the family #destroying and children’s #kidnapping. The German federal #prosecutor definitely knows about that. The #documents against German #mafia_members in #authorities are pending.

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