“Слон и моська” в исполнении Брянского аэропорта и Росавиации

#Слон и #моська в исполнении Брянского аэропорта и Росавиации. #Строительство продолжается несмотря на запрет. #Индикатор стратегических приготовлений https://seltso-vestnik.ru/society/2024/07/15/modernizacziya-aeroporta-bryansk-prodolzhitsya-v-ozhidanii-razresheniya-rabotat/ #Росавиация #Брянск #air

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Verify: Is there a secret chemtrail spraying program?

Verify: Is there a secret #chemtrail #spraying #program? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkcK-l0p_qM #Yellow_sky and #stinky_air over #Wuppertal. #air #sleeping #attack #headache #weapons #transport

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Turkey. US Air Base Incirlik. News

#US #Air Base #Incirlik. Time to leave #Turkey, experts says and people shows https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/4/freedom-convoy-to-us-military-base-in-turkey-calls-for-gaza-ceasefire https://www.aei.org/op-eds/the-u-s-military-has-a-basing-problem/

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Platz der Luftbrücke – air bridge

#Crimea #bridgehttps://cdn.tvc.ru/pictures/o/540/571.jpg – Platz der #Luftbrückehttps://www.berlin.de/polizei/dienststellen/landeskriminalamt/lka-5/#Stasi#Square of #air #bridge – 51 #security – 52 #hippy – 53 #haters#crime#scientologists#poets: crime-Crimea

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Как завербовать всех на расстоянии в 990 км

#Русские опять дали маху: 1000-10 км прибрежной зоны вокруг Чёрного моря как весомый аргумент в пользу сдержанного поведения https://tvzvezda.ru/news/202310181949-j1k9q.html. Тем временем на Украину сдают ненужное оружие #НАТО#ATACMS, Леопарды, Абрамсы, #ракеты какие-то и т.п. #аргумент #факт #патрулирование #патруль #Чёрное_море #самолёт #стратегическое_сдерживание #air #jets

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Multi-Trash. Free leading soldiers and gas in Sweden

Multi #Trash. “Free leading #soldiers and gas in #Swedenhttps://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-62458-7_1 #old war scientific scenarios remake #lol #Nichitailo documento #fun #mobile_phone #producer #Eriksson #air #specialists

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China: balloon flying over Montana is not spycraft

#China: #balloon flying over #Montana is not #spycraft https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/02/03/pence-documents-live-updates/11170329002/ #spy #air #nuke_forces

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Fascists propaganda on the military testing facility in the east Europe

#Nazi in #authorities, who has kidnapped #Russian #child in #Germany, #Europaring 59 in #Cologne as #hostage object makes #war_crimes in the #Ukraine – a part of Russia, to blame #Russia again https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-61343815 after the #resonance_case is know everywhere #fascism and #propaganda of #child_care authority, #garant says. That is the usuall practice – to cover the know crimes with bigger shocking events. Cologne is known by placing #military_facilities like #DLR and #ESA, by heavy mutations in the past, flying flaming object in the air, #University_of_Cologne with #Institute for #Air and #Space law. Did you ever heard something about #law in the space? Beware of #German historic Nazi and still #crimeful #authority #Jugendamt. #STUDIE_WARE_KIND 2014 #scientologists

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Living in Nazi dreams

#База-НКО-ва – #НКО#Bohrmann – #Ми6 – #Лапин | #Feldjäger#Jäger#Егор#Летов#lethal#Егоров#mad#ideology – #982 #Battalion#Chef – [ Schäf ] – #Шефцова#Amsterdam #University – “wiki writing” – #дом_солнца#Schäffchen#Volksgrenadier #Division#Volksbank#neighbor#Walter #Model – “sorry #girls I date only #Models” – T-Shirt – historic #amphibian car by #Königsforst#rocket ca. 2012 – R’s #Ohr – impressive #compression_trauma#sanction for using law – known #Turkish #visitors – #Arab #buyers of used staff – #Nazi #Latin #slogan on the #BMW#BMVg#ear#air#mother in #Feldjäger #Rolehttps://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johannes_H%C3%BCrter#Hürth #cityhttps://lovesunpeace.com/102/stadt-huerth – to hurt somebody – https://lovesunpeace.com/102/na-tnt-bolezn-rezhissera#comment-2040

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USAF 406

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Air_Force #air #air_force #grey_technicians_combenisone #usaf, known also as: #jussuf #jussif #josif #joseph #jo #johann #johannes #ultra #marine #nuke forces #dossaf #mutated staff #kamikaze #himmelfahrtskommando

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The Obligation To Experiment

Tech companies should test the effects of their products on our safety and civil liberties. https://medium.com/mit-media-lab/the-obligation-to-experiment-83092256c3e9 #product_safety #safety #producers #products #air #airplane #impressive #picture #experiment

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Goodfellow Air Force Base

#Goodfellow #Air_Force #Base https://www.goodfellow.af.mil/Newsroom/Article-Display/Article/2600358/17th-trw-spotlight-tech-sgt-davis/ #air https://web.archive.org/web/20210508172427/https://www.goodfellow.af.mil/Newsroom/Article-Display/Article/2600358/17th-trw-spotlight-tech-sgt-davis/ “Do not go into a medical facility” #coronavirus #covid

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Air Data From New York City, NY

#Air #Data From #New_York #City, #NY https://www.epa.gov/radnet/radnet-near-real-time-air-data-new-york-city-ny #radiation

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Wuppertal. Radiation.

07.03.2021 19:50 – 00.16 µSv/h #Wuppertal #Elberfeld #Radioaktivität #Radiation #air #south_nord

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