German natives in the terrorism statistics

Some strange #report from 2011 about #german natives under #terrorists in #Germany, but with a strange #correlation of §§ numbers with the German #criminal #code – from #psychiatry near standing #section § 65 till #haters § 130 StGB In the reality the #cyber #criminals changes the #citizenship of the #victims of terrorism in the official records to kill them by #arrest because of imaginary crimes or in the prison after the arrest. The real German #mafia works with #fakes in the #authorities. The famous #terrorists works now in #NRW. Good #investigators can find law links to everywhere to work against persons in the authorities, who takes care of #enforcement of #genocide as criminals. Nowadays in #Bielefeld a #cyber_center of police was created. Ideology makes the law work impossible. The criminals in the authorities just ignores the #evidences against them. So now: danger! The possible #prerequisites for a war are given. The #idiots in the ministry and #counterterrorism units just ignores the #reports since 2014. The #special on the German #ideology is driven by the #blindness by crimes made by the own people and #involved criminal foreigners, who shares the ideology. Some research in the prosecutors databases would help, but #counterintelligence of the terrorists erases everything, evidences, victims and even the #eyewitness. Welcome to modern Germany with a #peace plan.

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Даня – спектр – свет

#Даня#Даня#Данилова#Xenu#Ксения#шпионаж – Ксения – #наводка#бээндэ – #Амстердам –Берлин_Хеми#прогноз_погоды#tvzvezda – Лавровская #мафия – #консул – #USSS#Рар#фальшивки#копии#воровство#merck_pharma#UN #drugs_and_crime #section#убийство С – #попытка_убийства#радиация – подбор локаций – #генетика – нанесение ущерба здоровью – #торговля_людьми#тундра#шериф#прибор

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