German internal counterintelligence means to know something about Russia

#German #internal #counterintelligence propaganda means to know something about #Russia and Russian #Ukraine and makes with it politics as #separatists very funny because it has no relevance for protection of German #constitution #critics

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Supporting of genocide is the federal crime

Today #Robert #Hanssen is died in the #prison #US #officials should it know, actually. Supporting of #genocide against #Russians with #intelligence information, delivering to the Ukrainian #separatists, delivering of #weapons etc. is most probably the #federal_crime. So what is wrong with the system? #FBI #Fake #justice #upside_down #inside_out

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How ukrainian fascism got a hit in the face

This is why you never have to invest in the usual #real_estate and never let the #ideologist – here Ukrainian #separatists with western support – play with your #life #war #prevented escalation, coming from the west

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EU wants to be extremists organization. Once again Ukraine is Russia

#EU is to be #extremists #organization. Once again #Ukraine is #Russia. That are the the #history- and the #law facts. #EU_officials, who wants give the Ukraine status of #candidate for EU member are #separatists in sense of #international and #Russian #law.

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