How to: Block NATO alongside of the water

#Fancy #Baltic_Defence_Line against #NATO #aggression against #Russia #concrete #defence #defense #Latvia

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Sébastien Lecornu – Boris Pistorius

#Sébastien #Lecornu#France#Defense#minister – #Boris #Pistorius – #Germany

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Peter Hultqvist insulted Russians

#Peter_Hultqvist#defense #minister of #Sweden – insulted #Russians if he calls they “bad guys”. So, mister ****** ******, I like Europeans at all, but what do you think, you are, to call me and my people – just in case, Europeans too – bad guys? Earlier it was Germans Leaders, who called Jewish people even worst, now you? [ #microblog #editor: facing that #war_crime #scenario ] What is the #reason for that #crime from your side? I would like to charge him as #war_preparing, #propaganda_maker and #terrorist. #Prosecutors, please: that is the #official_crime as #genocide #episode too. #Ready, #steady, run the #process. [ microblog editor: #international_law links allows the usage of #foreign_law parts in the own #law_system ]

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CIA jokes

Start page of the #agency contains this: “We are the Nation’s first line of #defense.” The #pictures shows the multi cultural combination of people. So, what kind of #nation they means? This #example shows how easy the people makes significant mistakes. #CIA #website

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US defense man Austin and Karrenbauer need PR that because #NATO can not #defense itself against #domestic #terrorists, made by #organized_crime against #children. So in #Germany the system produces human-like machines, based on by #Jugendamt #stolen children. Wake up, #destroyer. #Austin #Karrenbauer

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