Путин и француженка

#Ядерная_война. #Путин личо предупредил Макрона о ядерной катастрофе https://newdaynews.ru/moscow/768879.html какая-то не светловолосая – похоже #француженка – тут же сдала #анализ на #наркотики https://russian.rt.com/world/news/1039152-finskii-premer-marin-analizy #Финка – это не только светловолосые нордические красотки, но и нож, а с одной изменённой буквой – немецкий мюсье #дженераль в Новосибирске https://lovesunpeace.com/102/ochen-silnaya-komanda-iz-novosibirska-razvedka#comment-3258 #курильшики #джойнт #joint_operations #nuclear_war #Новосибирск #дипломатия #дипломаты #международные_дела

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WW III – everything is moving

What’s behind the renewed tensions between #Serbia and #Kosovo? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/4/whats-behind-the-renewed-tensions-between-serbia-and-kosovo #genocide in #Germany #WW_III #nuclear_war in the #Ukraine #NATO #aggression #preparations in #Finland #China #Taiwan #Armenia and #Azerbaijan, #Israel, something else?

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Finland Presidentti Niinistö understand the danger of missing vegetables for Europe

The real #nuclear_war https://lovesunpeace.com/102/the-real-nuclear-war-now in the Russian #Ukraine could mean the #hunger for the millions of the European people. The north of #Europe – the historic Russian and with #coat_of_arms clearly declared #Russian_territory#Finland ( #Suomi ) in the person of the #President #Niinistö emphasizes that with the #recession #forecast for Europe https://news.mail.ru/politics/52512035/ The #Europeans are so lazy and standing under psycho cults or drugs influence, what they build a lot of hangars-like #real_estate, that they cannot use effectively. They prepare the #intervention of a lot of people to Europe with the own hands. Where from will this people coming? Definitely not from #Russia or #Ukraine.

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