Too much rain over New York

Slightly #flooding in #New_York #rain #rainfall #airport

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Typical war preparation: Coca-Cola stops the production in Russia

#Coca_Cola #plants in #Russia could be the base for #military #technicians, like the one directly near #Pulkovo #Airport in #Sankt_Petersburg Military experts confirms, the technical #deconstruction work could be the #reason to #transport #equipment and personal to #Russia. The #war and #special_services #experts are studying such #activities very intensively. #Saint_Petersburg has #nuclear_plant, circa 54 official #foreign_offices of different countries and is standing near to from Russia during the bloody #revolution of 1917 stolen #Finland, actually a part of Russia. The #factors #intensity marks this at the same time coming activities completelly into #code_red for Russians.

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Airport Weeze

Note: not #good. #Airport #Weeze please comment

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Total, airport and special technics #Total, #airport and #special_technics #спецтехника #аэропорт #заправка #utter #carelessness #Jutta #care #Carry #masche #plan #plane #crash

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