Forwards in the past. Germany. A car without wheels

22.02.2024. Forwards in the #past! A car without #wheels in Essen. Last time this kind of #crime was in the 80’s in #Detroit or in #Bronx, 40 years later in #Essen, the #city in #Germany, #lol #city_marketing The #garbage on the street of Essen #city, strange #cement_blocks under a car, nice #street_view, #comics_news #redaction car in #action.

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Markieren der Separatisten-Unterstützer als militärische Ziele

Angewandte #Geopolitik in #Action: militärische #Ziele werden intensiv beleuchtet. Unterstützer der ukrainischen #Separatisten und #Extremisten: #Ukrainehilfe #Wiesbaden

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Cologne hobby prosecutors and their spies

How the #organized #crime works: #Cologne #hobby #prosecutors probably from illegal working #MAD and their young #spies react after #official letters about highest state crime in #Germany with signs like fly of sight (rifle scope) from so called “professional #neighbors”. Combined sign in #action: #radar #technology from #fraunhofer #institute to catch the moves and really fat fly in the #apartment after #visitors in the #neighbor #flat. Most probably they just want to create a link to the Russian #nuclear #industry but had become fiasco. That are the helpers of #terrorists. Crime scene: Nord-West of Germany. 28 may 2020

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