Nobody analyse it: NATO is wrong in the North

#pattern: #Weather, #climate_weapons against wrong behavior #NATO is wrong in the North. NATO can not protect itself. Less #fuel, less #water, #gas in the #flats via #optical_cable, potential #food_contamination by #nuclear_power_plant accident. What does it mean, #EU? The message could be: get out from all #Baltic_Sea #Countries immediately.

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Bulls market for gas and jobs for cops #gas #prices #futures for October are over 1000 USD for 1000 m³ now. 5Y graph for #Gazprom looks vital equals last year At the same time the German #optical_cable #company let to create the cops-like #jobs for watching for the physical communications nodes like this one: Just in case: the #fiber #cable and air/gas #pipe problem can’t be solved on this way. #Culture #outlook: “Bulls” – is the #slang #pseudonym for the #cops, at least in #German. Investigative #soap_opera again and again. Meanwhile the bulls markets can growing by systematically solving of the child care authorities problems.

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The modern gas chamber in Germany. How to?

The modern #gas_chamber in #Germany: the adoptive #dual_use_technology in each #house (#PICTURES) #gas #technology #fiber #Fiberglas #fiberglass #optical_cable #internet #telekom #mass_destroying #mass_weapons #mass No official reaction from authorities. Probably war crimes in #preparation

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