Flight of the Navigator – actor – bank

#Flight of the #Navigatorhttps://www.film.ru/movies/polet-navigatora – changed #radar_signaturehttps://ok.ru/video/1270236187337 – real world – https://mcdn.tvzvezda.ru/storage/news_other_images/2023/10/19/7a6207272f2645f0a089277fab5a556b.jpg#actorhttps://stuki-druki.com/facts1/Joey-Cramer-arestovan-za-ograblenie-banka-FOTO.php#bank #robbery#Point_Break – #film – #Presidents gang – #FBI#code – strange – #culture#налётчик на банк – #bank#coast#surfer#surfing

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Игорь Корнелюк tvc igor root

#Игорь #Корнелюк https://www.tvc.ru/channel/brand/id/3561/show/episodes/episode_id/69072 #igor #root #ubuntu #culture #очки

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Culture work and life story in just one photo

#Culture work and #life_story in just one #photo https://st.peopletalk.ru/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/lgn62154666-640×690.jpg #mode #wearing #sweater economy #oxford_style #vulgar #infantile #money_crisis poor decent #emotions realistic #catwalk #storytelling #story #photography #genius

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Virginia, West Virginia

Sugar Grove is located in an officially designated National #Radio #Quiet #Zone that covers 13,000 square miles (34,000 km2) in #West_Virginia and Virginia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar_Grove_Station #sugar_grove #sugar #sugar_grove_station #navy #coast_guard #Virginia #virgin #Zucker #Zuckerberg #Сахаров #Захарова #Захар #девственницы #Culture #outlook: West Virginia, take me #home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNPki1WVZdw #homeland #security

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#СТС#MI6#espionage#Strafvereitelung#NRW#culture ministry – #LKA#BKA#Störer

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Avantgarde – Wasserstoff – Hydrogen – Водород

51,250973, 7,159192 – #Dimona – #Negev – #Негевהַנֶּגֶב#culture #center#café Negev 51,250973, 7,159192 – #Wasserstoff#Водород#пустыня#Ядерный_центр#Corona#ЯО#Hydrogen#вода#Wasser#water#clearwater#scientologist#blackwater#war_companyhttps://nbs-research.com/chto-takoe/значение-определение-термин-пример/ядерный-центр-димона/ – вода с библейским проходом на гранце #Израиль и #Иордания 31,134580, 35,455802 – #Библия#фататизм – мировая #шахматная_доска#атомное_лобби#ядерное_лобби#лобби#lobby#nuclear_lobby#nuke#nike

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Bulls market for gas and jobs for cops

https://www.rbc.ru/economics/28/09/2021/6152b8909a79477f9b119f67 #gas #prices #futures for October are over 1000 USD for 1000 m³ now. 5Y graph for #Gazprom looks vital equals last year https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/GAZ:GR At the same time the German #optical_cable #company let to create the cops-like #jobs for watching for the physical communications nodes like this one: https://lovesunpeace.com/102/the-modern-gas-chamber-in-germany-how-to Just in case: the #fiber #cable and air/gas #pipe problem can’t be solved on this way. #Culture #outlook: “Bulls” – is the #slang #pseudonym for the #cops, at least in #German. Investigative #soap_opera again and again. Meanwhile the bulls markets can growing by systematically solving of the child care authorities problems.

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Рони, дочь разбойника

https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Рони,_дочь_разбойника #саентологи #scientologists #culture #культура #скандинавия

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Wuppertal – Neptun

Research on #culture usage for #spies #recruiting – Neptun monument – #SEA_ORG#scientologists#Zaslonkin trollface as #neighbor#Abschirmer (#shielder) – #MAD#crack_smoking as monument picture under #Neptun – finger down as a part of Baphomet https://nbs-research.com/chto-takoe/безумие-жаргон/ – crack = IT #hack (two times in WU locations in #Wuppertal https://lovesunpeace.com/102/internetcafe-berlinerstr-169-wuppertal#comment-701 ) – #Radioaktivität #radiation in the #city – #uran color – #taxes authority – nuke mil power of the Russian #navy as the #aim of recruiters https://www.flickr.com/photos/tina_aus_dem_tal/28464587624 – Guten Tag, господин president. #Cult and culture #for_free. #Rattengift ausgelegt, #per_favore

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They don’t understand

scientologists are psy #cult #victims and #professional #clearing (#spying) #actors. They spread extremely #aggressive ideas in positive packaging like #junkies do it. Learn it via the #Madrid #explosion, #church in #France, #bankruptcy #culture and more. They make no stops. You can pay it back: #fire #charlatans everywhere.

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